business babes collective


a global community for women entrepreneurs


Photos by @allymatos + @hannershannahphoto

tune into podcast for stories from inspiring women entrepreneurs…


what people are saying

"The Business Babes Collective team have created one of the most valuable communities out there, especially for education and connections. I’ve been able not only to grow but also monetize my business so much with everything I have learn in the last 3 years with them.”

-  Athenas Angulo

"Every Business Babes event I’ve been to has been awesome. The team truly cares and create fantastic, professional events. Their events are more than just that though - building a community of women in business who support and uplift each other. I’ve been attending their events for a few years and while they have grown and expanded, the passion and caring for each woman who attends remains the same. thank you to your team for bringing together fantastic speakers and topics, incredible women and empowering us to create the businesses of our dreams.”

- Lisa Michaud

"If you are a passionate female entrepreneur, attending these events should be a MUST. By being a part of this community for only six months, I have made life long friendships & my personal and business growth have skyrocketed!"

- Kayla Coulas 

"Business Babes is not just a networking group - they are also about creating meaningful relationships with like-minded women who support one another within the community. They provide a platform for women to share their passions and goals. What started out as networking events has evolved into countless friendships amongst incredible women who opportunities for collaboration, love, and support."

- Emily Lee 


connect with us on Instagram @businessbabesco + @VANCITYBUSINESSBABES