149 | The Art of Dreaming Big: 5 Steps to Achieving Big Audacious Goals

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📸 @hannershannah with @allinpnw
If you've ever felt stuck or unsure about how to make your dreams a reality, this episode is for you. Let's dive right in!


Last Friday, Vancity Business Babes wrapped up our Dream Big Conference! It was such an incredible day and it was actually a BIG Dream that Danielle has been nurturing for YEARS. We wanted to bring some of that inspiration to you and share with you how you can achieve your big audacious goals.

So In this episode, Danielle will give you 5 steps to make your biggest goals possible. Let’s go ahead and dive in.

  1. Create a Powerful Vision 

    Having a clear and powerful vision is crucial when it comes to achieving your goals. Take the time to visualize what you want to create in your business and life, whether it's for the next year, five years, or even a decade. A strong vision will serve as a driving force, pulling you forward even when faced with challenges. Embrace discomfort and push beyond your comfort zone, as staying stagnant becomes more uncomfortable than taking action towards your vision.

  2. Embrace an Abundance Mindset 

    Shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance. Believe that your dreams and goals are possible and have a purpose. Recognize that there is enough success and opportunity to go around for everyone. By adopting an abundance mindset, you'll be able to spot opportunities where others see obstacles and connect with the right people and resources to achieve your goals.

  3. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone 

    Stepping outside your comfort zone is essential for achieving your goals. Reflect on when you last took action that scared you or made you uncomfortable. It's easy to slip back into our comfort zones, engaging in mundane tasks like checking emails or scrolling through social media. Instead, prioritize the uncomfortable actions that will propel you forward. Challenge yourself to have uncomfortable conversations, pitch ideas, or attend events that push your boundaries.

  4. Break Down Goals and Take Consistent Action 

    Consistent action is the key to turning dreams into reality. Break down your big audacious goals into smaller, manageable steps. By taking action consistently, you create momentum and build the necessary foundation for success. Even seemingly insignificant tasks can lead to significant results when done consistently. Prioritize these action steps that align with your goals, rather than getting caught up in busywork.

  5. Surround Yourself with Other Big Dreamers 

    Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your passion for dreaming big. Seek out coaches, mentors, and role models who have achieved similar goals to what you aspire to accomplish. Building a supportive community where everyone uplifts and cheers each other on is invaluable. Collaborate, learn from others, and be willing to contribute to their success as well. 

    Together, you can create an incubator for achieving your most daring goals.

Dreaming big is an art that requires dedication and strategic steps. By creating a powerful vision, embracing abundance, stepping outside your comfort zone, taking consistent action, and surrounding yourself with other big dreamers, you can achieve the goals you've always desired.

Don't let fear or doubt hold you back. Start implementing these five steps today and watch your dreams become a reality!

If you need further support or guidance on your journey, reach out to join our Mastermind or work with Danielle one-on-one.

Your big audacious goals are within reach!

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[00:00:00] Danielle Wiebe: Welcome back to the podcast. I'm your host, Danielle Wiebe. I'm so excited to share with you today's episode, which is all about the art of dreaming big and five steps to achieving your big audacious goals. So last Friday we wrapped up, or this past Friday we wrapped up our Dream Big conference and it.

[00:00:21] Danielle Wiebe: Such an incredible date. We had incredible speakers. We had inspiring talks and panels throughout the day, and this conference was actually a big dream of mine to host for a very long time. I've actually been dreaming about hosting this conference for. And the theme of the conference, of course, was Dream Big.

[00:00:47] Danielle Wiebe: And so today I wanted to share some inspiration with you and share how you can achieve your big audacious goals. We will do an event recap, but [00:01:00] we're gonna say that for another day today. I wanna get really tangible and tactical and share with you five steps to make some of your biggest dreams possible.

[00:01:09] Danielle Wiebe: So let's go ahead and dive right into the content. Okay, number one in the five steps to making your biggest goals possible is creating a powerful vision. One thing that I always share with my clients and Mastermind members is how to create a really powerful vision for themselves, because the importance of this, I cannot.

[00:01:35] Danielle Wiebe: Stress enough when you have a powerful and clear vision for what you wanna create, not only in your business but in your life over the next year, over the next five years, over the next 10 years, whatever that timeline is. For you. It will pull you forward. When things get hard, we all know that challenges will come up.

[00:01:58] Danielle Wiebe: We all know [00:02:00] that there will be things to try to knock us off course, but we, if we have a powerful enough vision and staying in the same place actually becomes more uncomfortable then getting, getting outside of our comfort zone and taking the action we know we need to take in order to achieve those goals.

[00:02:18] Danielle Wiebe: That's the only time that we are truly going to be able to push ourselves forward is if we have that powerful vision. So that is always number one. Number two is having an abundance mindset versus. A scarcity mindset. I've talked about this a lot, both on the podcast, and I talk about this a lot just with my clients and my mastermind members too, but it is so important to have a mindset of abundance.

[00:02:49] Danielle Wiebe: The reason for this is because I know when we talk about. Knowing that your dreams are actually possible, and the reason that you have those goals [00:03:00] and the reason that you have those dreams are for a reason. They're not just there by accident. I believe that we were created with dreams and aspirations in in our lives and in our hearts.

[00:03:14] Danielle Wiebe: As long as those dreams that we have, and as long as those goals that we have are also serving other people and they're also for the greater good, I do believe that there's a purpose behind those and that there's a reason why you have that, which means it is possible for you to achieve it. And so I think it's really important to think about the.

[00:03:36] Danielle Wiebe: In an abundant way, because not only are you going to be able to see opportunities when other people see obstacles, but you're also gonna be able to connect with the right people and the right resources in order for you to achieve the goals that you wanna achieve. I know. And we'll get into this in, in the further tips here, but it is so important [00:04:00] to be able to have people around you and to connect and to collaborate with others in order to make your goals happen.

[00:04:08] Danielle Wiebe: And so when you can have that abundance mentality of There's more than enough for all of us, then we can truly be. To those opportunities, and we're going to be able to achieve our goals that much quicker. Okay, number three is getting outside of your comfort zone. This is so key because you are not going to be able to achieve the goals and the dreams that you have for yourself if you stay inside of your comfort zone.

[00:04:34] Danielle Wiebe: And I think it's really important to really, truly understand this. Not just to hear it, but really understand it. Think about this for a. When was the last time you took action that you were scared to take? When was the last time you did something that felt really uncomfortable, or you're just like, Ugh, I don't know.

[00:04:54] Danielle Wiebe: I have to either have this uncomfortable conversation or I have to pitch this person [00:05:00] that I'm really scared to talk to, or I have to go for this opportunity that I'm terrified of, or I have to attend this in-person event, and I'm really nervous and really shy. When was the last time you did that? When was the last time you stepped outside of your comfort zone?

[00:05:15] Danielle Wiebe: In order to push yourself, in order to challenge yourself, in order to take action on some of the things that you want to achieve? And I think it's important for us to ask ourselves those questions cuz so often we get sucked back into our comfort zone. It is so easy to run your business. Inside of your comfort zone.

[00:05:38] Danielle Wiebe: Think about it. What do we do every day? When we wake up in the morning? What's one of the first things we do? We check our emails, right? We check our emails, we sort through our emails, and then what ends up happening throughout the day, we start, we check our emails like. 5, 10, 20, maybe even more times a day.

[00:05:57] Danielle Wiebe: And often it's not even [00:06:00] strategically going in there to reply to emails. It's just refreshing to see if we have anything new in there and really what that's doing as well as when we're scrolling on social media, you know, the endless scroll that is because we are avoid. The scary things that we know we need to do.

[00:06:19] Danielle Wiebe: The scary action steps that we know are gonna push us forward in our business that we know are gonna take us to that next level. But because they're scary, because they're uncomfortable, because they're outside of our comfort zone, we slip back into our comfort zone of what's easy and what's easy is.

[00:06:37] Danielle Wiebe: Checking social media. What's easy is checking our emails. What's easy is doing admin tasks that we know aren't pushing us forward. Now, I'm not saying that those tasks aren't important, but what I would recommend you do in order to. Push you forward towards your goals is do those scary things [00:07:00] on your to-do list for that day.

[00:07:01] Danielle Wiebe: So if you are going to pitch someone or connect with someone or make that investment, whatever it is, to take you to the next level, do that. First before you start checking your email, checking social media or getting lost in your never ending to-do list, right? So that is number three, is getting outside of your comfort zone.

[00:07:24] Danielle Wiebe: Number four is breaking down your goals and taking action consistently. Obviously, your dreams. Cannot become a reality without you taking consistent action. So breaking down your goals into small, magical steps and taking action on those things every single day is super, super key, and that's what's gonna create the momentum for you.

[00:07:47] Danielle Wiebe: I'm teaching a program right now and we are going through, it's a six week program and it's all around how to build your email list and your network and your credibility through the power [00:08:00] of collaborative events. And one of the things that I'm talking about is how taking action like this and breaking those things down into super small steps and doing the consistent work is going to create that momentum.

[00:08:15] Danielle Wiebe: Within your business, it's gonna create that ripple effect. So I've been talking about this a lot because something that we're focused on for this specific program is hosting a virtual event. And so I'm getting people to choose their day, to pitch their speakers, to create a structure and all of that.

[00:08:37] Danielle Wiebe: And those are all very. Small, seemingly insignificant tasks when they're done individually, but all of these small little tasks is what is going to snowball into the big results that these women who are taking this program are looking for, which is, More exposure for their business, building [00:09:00] their email list, building their community, and ultimately monetizing that through their businesses, so through the products and services that they offer.

[00:09:07] Danielle Wiebe: And so it's really important that we don't just take. One step outside of our comfort zone, and we do this big thing one day, right? It's the small little action steps that are those things that are outside of our comfort zone, but that we do on a consistent basis because that is what's gonna create momentum.

[00:09:30] Danielle Wiebe: Momentum. It's not the. One time you did something outside of your comfort zone and now you're expecting that your business is gonna boom from that, right? So we have to be consistent. We have to put in the work, and we have to put in the time. And again, I'm all about being a. Efficient and effective with your time and making sure that you can build a profitable business without working around the clock.

[00:09:55] Danielle Wiebe: Right? You've heard me say that before, but that doesn't mean that you don't have to put [00:10:00] in the work, and that's where I think people get it. Wrong is that they think, oh, I'm trying to have all this balance, so I'm gonna do one action step, and then I'm gonna take a three day break, and then I'm gonna do one more big action step, and then I'm gonna take another break.

[00:10:17] Danielle Wiebe: And really, it's actually the smaller steps that you take on a consistent basis that creates the. So if you want to have more time freedom and you wanna have more balance in your life, then it's doing things consistently rather than trying to do big things, but only once in a while. So breaking it down and taking action consistently.

[00:10:41] Danielle Wiebe: And then number five, the final step that I have for you, the final tip that I have for you to making your biggest goals possible. And this one is so, so vital. Surround yourself with other big dreamers. Surround yourself with people who are dreaming big for [00:11:00] themselves and people who truly want to see you succeed.

[00:11:05] Danielle Wiebe: This is something. That I so wish I learned earlier, surrounding myself with other people that not only are dreaming big for themselves, but they also see me and they are cheering me on and they actually want to see me succeed. So looking for coaches, looking for. Mentors looking for role models who have achieved maybe similar goals to the ones that you're striving for, and learn from them.

[00:11:35] Danielle Wiebe: And then surround yourself with a group of people and put yourself in communities. Build yourself a community to be a part of where other people are cheering you on and you are cheering them on. You need to be that person for other people too. I think we live in a world that is all about what's in it for me, and I think it's really important that we [00:12:00] as business owners also are willing to give.

[00:12:03] Danielle Wiebe: And so being a part of a community, Or creating a community for yourself or being a part of. That's why I love masterminds because it's a give and it's a take, and that's such a healthy way to do business when you can support other people, when they can support you. And you really have that comradery within that group where everyone wants to see everyone else in the group succeed.

[00:12:28] Danielle Wiebe: And that is truly the incubator that you can put yourself in to achieve some of your really. Scary goals that you have. Those are my five tips into achieving some of your biggest goals. Again, dreaming big is an art. It requires a powerful vision. It creates com commitment to getting outside of your comfort zone, taking messy action, consistently surrounding yourself with other big dreamers.

[00:12:57] Danielle Wiebe: And honestly, you can truly [00:13:00] achieve whatever you're. Dreaming up. I had this dream of hosting this conference and I put it off. I put it off for years. I made excuses. I, you know, made, told myself reasons why I shouldn't or I couldn't, and it really, it was. In the fall that I decided I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna create this event, I'm gonna launch this event.

[00:13:25] Danielle Wiebe: And we actually were able to plan and execute and put it all together within five weeks. And of course, that was me and my team. I had a lot of support and I had a lot of help with that. But that is truly what's possible when you put your mind to it and when you are willing to do the things that we talked about within this episode.

[00:13:46] Danielle Wiebe: If you are someone who has a big dream right now, you have something that you wanna accomplish and you feel like you need support with it, or maybe you're just trying to get clear on what your vision even is or the direction you're [00:14:00] going in your business, maybe you feel a little bit lost and you don't know what those next steps are.

[00:14:06] Danielle Wiebe: I would love to support you in that. So whether that. Joining or applying for our Mastermind or working with me one-on-one so that you can get clarity on what some of those dream big dreams and goals and visions that you have for yourself. You can go and apply. So if you're interested in the Mastermind, go to business babes collective.com/mastermind.

[00:14:29] Danielle Wiebe: Or if you're interested in coaching with me one-on-one, you can go to business babes collective.com/coaching. So as many of you know, I am currently pregnant, so I'll be taking on a very limited amount of new clients, as of course baby is arriving. But I still do have a couple of spots available left to book in for coaching.

[00:14:53] Danielle Wiebe: So if you're interested in that, Make sure you apply ASAP so that you can get your application in. [00:15:00] I can send you all the information and, um, prices for coaching is actually gonna be going up in May, so definitely you wanna book in before that, before the prices go up. So, Thank you so much for listening today.

[00:15:12] Danielle Wiebe: I am so excited to hear about your goals and your vision for what you wanna create in your life and business. So send me a message. I love, love, love to hear from you so you can come connect with me and find me on Instagram at Danny. Living life. Again, that's Danny with an I Living Life. Send me a dm, introduce yourself, share a little bit more about you, and then share what your biggest takeaway was from this.

[00:15:40] Danielle Wiebe: From this, uh, episode and what you are going to be working on in your own business, I can't wait to hear from you, and I'll chat to you in our next episode.

Danielle Wiebe