204 | Our Secret is Out! BIG NEWS!
THE SECRET IT OUT! We are starting a brand new collaborative community!
Learn about becoming a Founding Member by commenting on our last post: @danilivinglife and @businessbabesco
The Backstory of Business Babes Collective:
Started with in-person events eight years ago.
Launched five chapters across North America.
2020 challenges led to a shift to virtual events and an identity crisis.
Podcast launched at the end of 2020, reaching global audiences.
Identifying a Gap:
Recognized a gap in serving entrepreneurs beyond the launch stage.
Many resources for beginners and high-level masterminds, but a gap in the messy middle.
Entrepreneurs craving a community for connection, collaboration, exposure, and mentorship.
The Birth of Action Takers Club 3.0:
Responded to the gap by creating Action Takers Club 3.0.
A global community offering coaching, collaboration, and networking.
Focus on scaling and growing successful, sustainable businesses without sacrificing personal priorities.
Founding Membership Benefits:
Exclusive perks for founding members:
Access to coaching, networking, and collaborations.
Featured profile in the directory for six months.
Free ticket to an in-person event.
Launch Details and Invitation:
We’re in the Pre-launch stage, and inviting founding members to join!
[00:00:00] Danielle: Hello, welcome to another episode of the business babes collective podcast. I'm your host, Danielle Wiebe, and I'm really excited for today's episode because I have something so exciting. to share with you. I'm going to be revealing our secret, our secret offer that we have been teasing for a very long time.
[00:00:24] Danielle: And today I'm going to be sharing that with you. I'm going to be sharing with you what we are launching into the world. This is going to be a really short and sweet episode because basically I want to share with you what we have. Launched. It's actually technically still in pre launch, but what we are launching into the world, um, tell you a little bit about it, but also, um, yeah, tell you a little bit of the backstory of why we decided to launch this new thing?
[00:00:53] Danielle: Because as someone who is a very busy person, right? I'm, I'm [00:01:00] running a business. Um, we have the podcast, we have our in person events, we have our mastermind, I have my private clients. So why would I launch another thing into the world? Um, I am a lot about It's simplification. So like, how can I simplify my life?
[00:01:18] Danielle: How can I make it more streamlined? How can I make sure that I am working less, not working more? So why would I launch something brand new into the world? So I want to talk about that. Like, why did we do this? Why did we create this new? offer this new community into what we have to offer with our business, what the purpose behind it was, and also how you can potentially get involved as a founding member.
[00:01:47] Danielle: So let's just go ahead and dive right in, shall we? Welcome to the Business Babes Collective podcast. I'm your host, Danielle Wiebe. In this podcast, you'll learn tangible business tips and [00:02:00] strategies on how to grow successfully and sustainably. We'll also interview seasoned entrepreneurs, so you can listen in on their stories and see behind the scenes of what it took to grow and scale their businesses.
[00:02:12] Danielle: Let's dive in as we discuss the wild, exciting, crazy, challenging rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship. Babes. Babes. I want to share just a little bit of backstory of what inspired, um, this new. community, this new offer, this new thing that we are launching into the world. So for those of you who don't know, like maybe you are new to listening to the podcast, so you don't really know our background.
[00:02:42] Danielle: So just a little bit of background. We have been running events and creating community. for the past eight years. So it's been eight years of building this specific business. So I've been an entrepreneur for over 11 years doing multiple different things, but this specific business has been [00:03:00] eight years and we started with in person events and since we have hosted over a hundred We launched five different chapters across North America.
[00:03:11] Danielle: So we launched, um, across Canada and the U S and then of course 2020 came and we had to rebuild everything from scratch because we could not do any in person events and about 80 percent of our business was in person events. And so basically we had to start almost from scratch. We had some community online, but not.
[00:03:38] Danielle: Not a lot. And so at that time, we really had to reinvent like what our community was about, like who we were as a brand. And that was definitely a very, very challenging time. I know a lot of people had a very challenging time in 2020. So it was kind of, I know for me, it was definitely kind of like [00:04:00] an identity crisis of who am I, if I can't host these in person events, right?
[00:04:04] Danielle: And so we actually began. actually started hosting these virtual events. And so we hosted these pop up virtual events. And actually the first one that we hosted was because I had a event planned in Vancouver and, um, we had our speakers, we had our sponsors, we had, um, someone who was going to play live music.
[00:04:25] Danielle: Like we had everything planned and of course we had to cancel. And so I actually. You know, called up our speakers. I called up the person that was going to do live music. And I said, listen, you know, so many people, so many entrepreneurs right now are feeling really lonely and they're feeling very isolated and they're feeling confused because of everything that's going on COVID had.
[00:04:55] Danielle: So I thought, Hey, what if we did this virtual event and [00:05:00] brought everyone together and kind of created this community online? And so that was the very first kind of virtual event we had done, you know, webinars and different workshops before we, but we had never done like a full on virtual event. And so that was the first time we did that.
[00:05:15] Danielle: And it was actually. success. Like people loved it. And so we ended up doing several other virtual events, um, from, you know, 2020 to, of course, now we, we still host these virtual events and they look very differently now they're structured differently and we've learned a lot from our first days of hosting these virtual events, but it.
[00:05:40] Danielle: Has been really cool to just see like the evolution of our community grow online. So as many of, you know, also in 2020 at the end of 2020, that's when we launched this podcast. So it's actually almost been three years of the podcast, which is. So exciting. [00:06:00] And, um, if you haven't listened to some of the previous episodes, um, we were able to hit the top 1 percent of, uh, podcasts globally of all podcasts, which is really exciting.
[00:06:13] Danielle: And so thank you. Thank you for being a listener. Thank you for being a part of our community. We really appreciate you. And you know, when you share it with your friends or when you leave us a rating or a review or share it in your stories, whatever that might be. Um, honestly, it means so much to me and I run our social media accounts right now.
[00:06:33] Danielle: And so I see every single message I see every single time you share about us or post about us. And, um, so I noticed those things. So thank you so much for, for doing that. And I really appreciate you. So anyways, the podcast launched and then it just kind of like created this whole other Avenue for us to connect with our people.
[00:06:57] Danielle: So you, that's listening to this podcast [00:07:00] right now. And it's been so interesting too, because over the last several years that we've been running the podcast, I've been looking at, you know, where are most of our people based? And so it started very much in like Canada, a little bit in the U S because that's kind of where our base was, but then it shifted.
[00:07:19] Danielle: And actually the most listeners of this podcast right now are from the U S. So we have more listeners from the U S than we do in Canada even. And then we also have listeners from. All over. So we have listeners in Australia, we have listeners in the UK, we have listeners, um, in Asia and Africa, even like, it's crazy, just all the different countries, um, Germany.
[00:07:45] Danielle: So many people in Europe who listened to this podcast. And so it's been really cool just to see the evolution of our brand and the fact that we really are a global brand now because we were able to reach so many people around the [00:08:00] world. And so really it has become this, you know, Thought in my head of like, how can we expand this brand and how can we really connect with people from all over?
[00:08:13] Danielle: And so of course we can do that through the podcast, but as you all know, like my heart is in community. My heart is with, you know, events and bringing people together and connecting people. I love being a super connector and connecting business owners, entrepreneurs together, because I think that we can thrive so much more.
[00:08:32] Danielle: When we connect with one another. And so it really got my mind kind of going of like, okay, how can we create this community that is, is global? And how can we create a network that people can be a part of, that people can contribute to and network in and get feedback and accountability and, and brainstorming and just all the things that I love to do, how can we do that?
[00:08:58] Danielle: And how can we do it in a really [00:09:00] powerful way? And. I also, at the exact same time as I was starting to brainstorm, like, how can we build more, more community within our global community, I was also recognizing that there was a gap. There was something missing and we were not serving our community with what they truly wanted and needed.
[00:09:21] Danielle: So we got, got to work. We saw a gap where entrepreneurs. A lot of you that are listening to this podcast, you are past the launch stage of your business. I know we have some beginner entrepreneurs listening to the podcast, but a lot of you that listen are entrepreneurs who have been in business for potentially several years right now and you're over the honeymoon stage of your business.
[00:09:45] Danielle: You're in, you're, you're in the grind. You're in that stage of business where you're really We're trying to scale it and you're trying to grow and it's challenging. Like anyone who has been in business for any length of time knows [00:10:00] that there's so many challenges that you face as entrepreneurs, but then there's also this kind of gap in the market where.
[00:10:07] Danielle: It was a lot of communities and there's a lot of resources for people who are just launching their business. And then on the other side of things, there's a lot of high level masterminds and there's a lot of these, you know, exclusive groups of people. where you have to pay, you know, thousands and thousands of dollars to be a part of these high level masterminds.
[00:10:31] Danielle: And you know, those types of things are great. And I've been a part of some of these masterminds before I've invested in them and they're amazing. And you know, the events that you can go to and all those things, and that's great. But There was this like in between kind of almost like messy middle Stage where I feel like that wasn't being served and I feel like within our community as well people were craving community people were Wondering like [00:11:00] how do I connect?
[00:11:01] Danielle: How do I collaborate with some? You know, amazing brands and businesses. How can I get more exposure for my brand? How can I connect with some dream brands that I want to work with? How can I brainstorm ideas? How can I network with other inspiring women and get mentorship and coaching with seasoned entrepreneurs, but in a way that's like accessible to me, right?
[00:11:24] Danielle: So that's what we were trying to, basically, that was the. Challenge that we were trying to solve for our community. And so, yeah, these entrepreneurs that are in our community, a lot of you want to build successful and sustainable businesses, and you also want to do it in a way that's not sacrificing the things that matter most to you.
[00:11:47] Danielle: And I know a lot of you are moms, a lot of you are married, or you have significant others, or you have dreams and goals of other things that you want to do that you're [00:12:00] passionate about and you don't want your business to become your life. And unfortunately, in growing your business, Your business has become your life, and you know you're passionate about it, but you're also like, man, I don't want to sacrifice the things that matter most in order to build this business.
[00:12:16] Danielle: I want this business to actually work around my lifestyle and give me the type of lifestyle that I desire. And so. Um, we have spent the past several months asking you, this community, we've been asking you questions, people that have been on our, on our email list. You have seen that we have been asking you guys questions.
[00:12:37] Danielle: We also have been doing market research calls. So this is something that I really love to do. So I actually got an over 30 calls with different entrepreneurs and asking. you questions, right? What are you struggling with? What kind of challenges are you having right now? And then on the flip side of that, like, what are your goals?
[00:12:59] Danielle: [00:13:00] What do you want to accomplish with your business and where do you feel like the gap is there? And so we did so much research both just with surveys and then also with those phone calls. And then I talked with, you know, my clients and mastermind members and ask them for feedback. And so we took all of that data and we created something incredibly amazing.
[00:13:25] Danielle: I am so proud of this. Like, I am truly so proud. of this new community that we've created, and I'm so excited to share it with you. Like, I cannot wait to share it with you, and so currently we are still in the pre launch stage of this community, but We want to give you exclusive access to learn more about becoming a founding member, because when you become a founding member to this community, so to give you more, you know, insight into what this community is, it is [00:14:00] a community where you can not only connect and learn and network from a amazing group.
[00:14:09] Danielle: of women entrepreneurs who are going to be in that group. But I'm also going to bring on other amazing experts and people that are going to come and mentor and coach and co coach with me. So you're going to get access to me as your coach. But you're also going to get access to some of my friends, some of my connections, people that have been on the podcast before people that have really great insight into how to grow a successful in a sustainable business.
[00:14:43] Danielle: I am so excited about this. Now another thing that's going to be involved within this community is that I am going to be building out. short training videos, and I'm going to be sharing literally everything that I have [00:15:00] learned, like everything that I've learned. Specifically to do with collaborations and partnerships.
[00:15:07] Danielle: So the fact that we have been able to grow this global community, reaching thousands of women all around the world, and really, truly the way that we've done that is through. Collaborations through working with other entrepreneurs through working with other brands through, um, sponsorships through creative collaborations, cross promotions, podcast, guesting events, social media collaborations, all of that.
[00:15:34] Danielle: Has compounded into what we've been able to do as a brand. And the cool thing is, is that we have been actually implementing, teaching this to our clients and to our mastermind members over the past few years. And we've seen massive, massive results. with them as well. And so I feel very confident that this not only works for my specific business, but it [00:16:00] works for every business.
[00:16:02] Danielle: Like every business should be implementing a collaboration strategy. And so in this community, in this new club that we are creating, you are going to get access starting in December. You're going to get access to short training videos where I'm literally teaching you. Every single thing that I have learned, every single thing that I've implemented in order to grow the community that we've grown.
[00:16:27] Danielle: So I'm talking creative collaborations, I'm talking partnerships, I'm talking sponsorships, I'm talking social media collaborations, I'm talking, um, guest speaking that we've done, I'm talking events, both virtual and in person. So you are going to not only get access to coaching, community collaborations, brainstorming, but you're also going to get access basically to my brain.
[00:16:47] Danielle: Cause I'm going to be downloading my brain into this club, into this community, and I want to give you access to it. So. If this sounds exciting to you, if this is something that you're interested in, if you want to [00:17:00] actually be able to connect, like, I want to get to know your business. I want to support you.
[00:17:05] Danielle: I want to see you grow. I want to see you thrive. And I also want to connect you with a network of people who can help you. Reach your ideal customers and clients. And so I want to see the ripple effects in your business. And I truly believe that this community is where you're going to make that happen.
[00:17:24] Danielle: So I wanted to officially announce that we are creating Action Takers Club. 3. 0 I am so, so excited. Now, if you have been a part of our community for a long time, maybe you've been listening to the podcast or maybe you have been a client of ours, you action takers club will sound familiar to you because action takers club has been a program of ours that we have had for a very long time.
[00:17:52] Danielle: Now, when we decided to create this new program, we are trying to think of a name for it. Literally, we went through. [00:18:00] So many names, but it always came back to the fact that we loved the name action takers club because nothing happens when you don't take action. Everything happens when you actually take the action, take the messy action, take the imperfect action, move forward, create that momentum.
[00:18:19] Danielle: And so we wanted to keep the name action takers club. So what we're doing. Is we're actually retiring our original action takers club, and this is the new action takers club. So action takers club 3. 0 is our brand new community. And we're so excited to welcome you in. To this community now, like I said, we are still in pre launch so this is not launched into the world yet This is still in pre launch.
[00:18:46] Danielle: And so if you are interested in being one of our founding members, we have Incredible perks for you to be a part of this And so if you want access if you're interested in being one of our founding members, then come find [00:19:00] me on Instagram I'm at Danny living life You'll see our most recent post. It says we've been keeping it, keeping a secret.
[00:19:08] Danielle: So if you see that post Just comment on that post and comment club on that post and I will send you all the details for how you can potentially become a founding member. This was supposed to be a very, very short episode and now it's been 20 minutes. So I'm sorry. I got a little excited and just shared a lot more than I guess.
[00:19:30] Danielle: I had planned to. So anyways, I hope you have a great rest of your day. I hope you're so excited. Um, the other thing that's super cool about this is that we already have. I think I already have about 13 or 14 members in this because we did a workshop if you came to that workshop. So we already have members in this and we haven't even launched yet.
[00:19:51] Danielle: This is just in prelaunch and we're already seeing ripple effects happen. It's literally been open for a day, you guys. It's already seen people like, [00:20:00] Hey, oh my goodness, I want to refer you to this person. Hey, let's connect. Let's get on a call. I would love to collaborate with you. Oh my goodness. I'm so excited to get to know you more and get to know your business.
[00:20:09] Danielle: Like we're already seeing the connections thrive and it's been one day that this community has been open. So I cannot even fathom what this community is going to be like a month from now, two months from now, three months from now, but you want to get it in. While there's still an intimate community, you want to join us while it's still a small community because then you get to say you are a founding member.
[00:20:38] Danielle: There's so many perks that are involved in being a founding member. One of the perks, I'm just going to give it away right now. One of the perks is we are creating a directory. So if you've been around for a while, we used to have a directory, we closed it down. We're restarting our directory. You [00:21:00] get a featured featured profile in our directory for six months if you become a founding member.
[00:21:07] Danielle: So if that's not reason enough. There's tons of other bonuses of being a member also free ticket to an in person event. And so I'm so excited. There's so many amazing things that you can get access to. So definitely come find me. Like I said, on Instagram at Danny living life, or you can find us at business babes co it is a collaborative post.
[00:21:29] Danielle: collaborations, uh, and you'll see it there. It's pinned at the top and all you have to do is comment club on that. It's a carousel. You'll see it. It's me with a little coffee in front of my face and it says our secret is out. And so if you comment on that saying club, I will send you all the details and I'm so excited for you to learn more about This community and hopefully become a founding [00:22:00] member.
[00:22:00] Danielle: So thank you so much for tuning into this episode. Um, a few things about this episode, by the way, um, I have been getting over a cold and so I might be a little nasally. So thank you for tuning in. And also the, our mic isn't working for whatever reason. And so I've realized that halfway through and I just decided, you know what, that's fine.
[00:22:20] Danielle: So the audio quality is not as good as it usually is. So. Thank you for continuing to listen, even though I'm nasally, and even though the audio quality is not great. I feel like we're friends now, right? Yeah, we totally are. Anyways, um, I love you guys, I'm so grateful for you, and I can't wait to see you inside of Action Takers Club.
[00:22:46] Danielle: If you loved this episode, make sure you screenshot, post, and tag us on Instagram at businessbabesco. Want to know when the next episode is? Subscribe on your podcast app and while you're there, until next [00:23:00] time, keep dreaming big, setting goals and taking action.