86 - Can You Be a Successful Business Owner and an Amazing Mom? (The Truth about Balancing Motherhood and Entrepreneurship)
Danielle gets honest about being a mompreneur! 📸 @allymatos
When I (Danielle) found out I was pregnant in the fall of 2020 I was feeling so many emotions. I was so excited and happy we were expecting a little one to join our family but also very nervous and uncertain as I knew our lives were about to change in a big way.
I also very much realized that starting our family meant I was now going to have to figure out how I was going to juggle my business with my new role of being a mom.
I knew there were going to be challenges and I knew things in my business were going to need to change. I wanted to learn how I could possibly have the best of both worlds, being an amazing mom and still running a thriving business.
Now that I'm over a year into motherhood, In this episode, I'm going to share my thoughts on if you can do both! Being a successful businesswoman running a thriving profitable business and being an amazing mom at the same time. Let's dive into the truth about being a business owner while growing a family.
Danielle’s Perspective
You CAN be a good mom AND a successful business owner! 100% you can do both - there are actually some ways that being a Mom can actually help you become a better entrepreneur.
I’m not at all saying that people that are not moms are any less successful or good at entrepreneurship, I’m just saying that in SOME ways I think being a Mom can actually help your business thrive. Hang in there with me.
Did you know that growing a business and being an entrepreneur can help you become an amazing mom as well?
AGAIN, I’m not saying that you are not a good mom if you are not an entrepreneur, please don’t misunderstand me here, BUT there are some benefits that come along with being an entrepreneur and Mom.
Why Motherhood helpS you in Entrepreneurship
You understand the concept of time and become much more efficient in your working hours.
You realize how capable you are of doing hard things. Things in business seem much less scary when you realize what you are capable of and experiences as a mom can put so many things in perspective.
For me: Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum are some of the most challenging moments I’ve been through not only physically, mentally and emotionally
Staying up sleepless nights with a child those first few weeks/or months
When you are a mom, you are always problem-solving and resourceful which can help you in so many ways when it comes to the growth of your business
One of the best compliments related to this I got from a Mastermind member after having Rosie was that she felt like I had become even more creative and that I had created more value for the Mastermind after having Rosie.
Being a mom helps you make better decisions faster because you can recognize and prioritize tasks.
Being a mom helps you become a better planner with your limited time.
Moms know how to be selfless and it allows them to become better, more highly empathetic leaders that value others more deeply.
Moms have so much tenacity because they realize that every minute at work is a minute away from your kids and family - so you make sure it is worthwhile!
Why Entrepreneurship Can Help You Be a Better Mom
Entrepreneurship is a powerful way for women to have the flexibility that comes with being your own boss.
It is possible to scale a profitable and successful business, without working around the clock. I am not saying that the journey is easy BUT I think that, with the right support, and resources, you can absolutely make this your reality
When you are an entrepreneur you are always looking to improve your skills and better yourself.
Before I became an entrepreneur, I wasn’t a big reader and I didn’t really listen to podcasts - but my entrepreneurship journey made me fall in love with being a continuous learner. This filters down into my motherhood journey, because now that I’m a big learner, I also research things and look for resources that can help me be a better Mom.
You don’t get Maternity leave, but you can choose when and how you come back to work in your business.
It’s easy to look at other people who get maternity leave and be jealous of that - I felt the same way initially, however, as a business owner, I could choose how and when I came back to work in the business that was on my own terms.
You can often plan your business activities around your kids and around important holidays.
I can plan my launches or work schedule around things that Brent and I want to do as a family with Rosie
Entrepreneurship fills your cup.
I’m working towards something I am so passionate about. It keeps me motivated and excited. It fills my cup which spills into me being able to show up for Rosie as the best mom I can be.
You have an impact in your community and your family.
I’m excited to show my daughter that she can do and be anyone that she wants to be. I’m excited to show and talk to her about setting big goals, taking scary action, working through and overcoming challenges and dreaming big
I want her to know that I will support her no matter what she chooses to do!
If you are either: a Mom, pregnant, if you are thinking about starting a family one day, but you are nervous about what that is going to mean for your business and how it’s going to impact it, I hope this is really encouraging to you!
Our Top Business Resources to Support Female Entrepreneurs:
Masterclass: Learn how to Scale a Profitable Business Without Working Around The Clock
Action Takers Club: Our Signature Business Course + Community to Support you in Scaling a Profitable Business
Mastermind: An Intimate VIP Group Experience for Successful Entrepreneurs
Business Coaching: One-on-One Business Strategy and Collaboration Consulting with Danielle Wiebe
Free Resources and Recommended Business Tools, Courses and Services
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Connect with Danielle Wiebe @danilivinglife
Connect with Business Babes Collective @businessbabesco
Have a Question & Want to be Featured on The Podcast?
[00:00:00] Danielle Wiebe: When I found out I was pregnant back in the fall of 2020, I was feeling so many different emotions. I was excited and I was happy that we were expecting a little one to join our family. But if I'm honest, I was also very nervous and uncertain because I knew that this was a big deal. I knew that our lives that were about to change in a very big way.
[00:00:23] I also very much realized that starting a family meant I was now going to have to figure out how I was going to juggle my business and growing and scaling that business and also being a new mom. And I knew there were going to be challenges. And I knew there were gonna be things in my business that I was going to need to change, but I was open to learning those things.
[00:00:45] I wanted to figure out how I could have the best of both worlds, being an amazing mom and still running a thriving business. And one thing that gave me a lot of comfort as I was kind of navigating all of these different [00:01:00] emotions, excitement, fear, all of these things, all kind of wrapped up into one. The thing that really helped was seeing other moms go before me.
[00:01:09] Other moms, who I had seen build wildly successful businesses and raise families and so there have been people that have spoken at our past events and we've also had many moms come on the podcast and share their stories and their journeys. So I knew that it was possible. I was just trying to figure out how this was gonna be possible specifically for me.
[00:01:31] So now being over a year into motherhood, I wanted to share my answer to the question of whether or not I believe, and that I think you can be an amazing mom and a successful thriving business owner. So this episode is going to be a juicy one. So grab your iced coffee and let's go ahead and begin.
[00:01:53] Welcome to the business babes collective podcast. I'm your host, Danielle Wiebe. In this podcast, you'll learn [00:02:00] tangible business tips and strategies on how to grow successfully and sustainably. We'll also interview seasoned entrepreneurs so you can listen in on their stories and see behind the scenes of what it took to grow and scale their businesses. Let's dive in, as we discuss the wild, exciting, crazy, challenging, rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship.
[00:02:22] Before we dive in and talk all things, a motherhood and entrepreneurship, I wanted to share a really exciting opportunity for you to get featured on this very podcast. So starting in the fall, we are gonna be featuring listeners of this show. Yes. That means you and all you have to do to get featured is ask a question. So you can go to businessbabescollective.com/ask and record your question.
[00:02:48] And you'll also record your business name and also where people can find you. And we're gonna be choosing some of your questions to answer on a podcast episode. So I [00:03:00] cannot wait to hear from you. I cannot wait to promote you on the show and it can be any question around business, scaling your business, ideas, collaborations, partnerships, um, time management, productivity, being a mom, an an entrepreneur, it can be a follow up question to, uh, episode we've already done on the show, or it can be a new question. Whatever you would like. And it's super, super simple to just record straight from your computer.
[00:03:29] And yeah, I can't wait to hear your voice. I can't wait to connect with you there. So definitely go to businessbabescollective.com/ask if you are interested in being featured and asking a question that we can answer for you. All right, let's go ahead now and dive in to answer the question is of, if I think you can be a amazing mom and a successful business owner, the answer as of a course, yes. A hundred percent. I [00:04:00] believe that you can do both.
[00:04:01] And I also believe that you can do an amazing job at both in fact, I think that there are some ways that being a mom can actually help you become a better entrepreneur. I'm not saying that people who are not moms are any less successful or not good at entrepreneur entrepreneurship. I'm saying that there are some ways that I think being a mom can actually help you in your business.
[00:04:25] Certain things that we learn, being moms and being a parent can help your business thrive. And I'll explain why in just a minute. I also believe that growing a business and being an entrepreneur can also help you become a better mom. Again, I'm not saying that you are not a good mom or you can't become a really great mom if you're not an entrepreneur. Please don't misunderstand me here, but I do believe there's some benefits that come along with being an entrepreneur and a mom. And so that's what we're gonna be talking about in this episode today. And [00:05:00] also just a disclaimer, these are all my personal opinions, right? So these are all things that I have personally experienced, or I've seen other people experience in their businesses.
[00:05:11] So let's go ahead and just jump right into it. First, let's talk about why I think being a mom can help you in entrepreneur. So one of the reasons is that you understand the concept of time and you can become so much more efficient in your working hours. So I've talked about this on previous podcast episodes, but basically, since becoming a mom, I just feel like I've become so much more productive because every single moment that I have to pour into my business, I know is so valuable because that time is now limited.
[00:05:44] So you guys all know that I went from working 40, sometimes even 50, 60 hours a week to now working a very flexible 15 to 20 hours, sometimes up to 25 on a very busy week. And so that means that [00:06:00] a lot of the things that I was doing before were actually things that maybe didn't get, have to get done or maybe things that were wasting my time.
[00:06:07] And so I think it's really cool that now as a mom, I'm able to have this efficiency almost built in because of the fact that I have less time to actually do the things that I wanna do. Another reason why I think being a mom can help you an entrepreneurship is that you realize how capable you are of doing hard things.
[00:06:28] For me, things just seem so much less scary when it comes to business because I, my experience in pregnancy in birth and postpartum, those have been some of the most challenging moments that I've gone through. Not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. And staying up sleepless nights with a newborn, you know, those things have been really, really challenging for me.
[00:06:52] And those were some really challenging times. And so when I think about the challenges that I've gone through in being a mom, [00:07:00] it really puts things into perspective for me. And a lot of the things that I used to think were really difficult and hard in entrepreneurship and running a business now seem easy. And I think also I have this new perspective on what is actually hard, what is actually scary, what is actually outside of my comfort zone. And I think I'm willing to take bigger risks because my perspective on growing my business, I have these bigger ideas and it's all for more of a purpose than it was before .
[00:07:33] For me now it's a lot about leaving a legacy for Rosie, to pass on to her and also providing for our family and making a difference in this world. And I think that before I had Rosie, I kind of had this concept of that I had so much time and I would get lazy with things. And now I just feel like I'm able to realize that I was capable of doing the hard thing of birthing a child and, you know, [00:08:00] getting through that first few weeks of postpartum and so what is there that I can't do? And I just, everything kind of seems more possible for me now.
[00:08:08] Another reason is that when you were a mom, you are always problem solving and you become really resourceful, which can help you in so many ways when it comes to the growth of your business. One of the best compliments related to this that I got from a mastermind member last year was it was after having Rosie and she said that she felt like I had become even more creative and that I had created even more value for the mastermind after having Rosie. And I thought that was really cool. And I actually did feel more creative. I felt more creative. I felt more inspired and I felt more clear on the direction that I wanna take my business now more than I ever have before.
[00:08:52] So I want that to encourage you. I want you to be really encouraged by this, if you are either a mom right [00:09:00] now, or you are pregnant, or you're thinking of starting a family, the reason why I'm sharing these things is because I want you to know that balancing having a baby and having a business, yes, there are challenges that are associated with that, I do not wanna downplay the challenges that go along with it, but there are so many benefits and I think there's so many ways that we also can use that to our advantage as well.
[00:09:26] Okay. So the next reason why I think being a mom can help you in entrepreneurship is that being a mom helps you make decisions better and faster because you recognize when things are a priority and when things are not. I think there's so much, like the last one that we talked about, there's so much problem solving when it comes to being a mom, that often, when you bring that into entrepreneurship, you can look at your business and really cut through all the things that don't matter anymore.
[00:09:55] And you realize you have this bigger picture of these are the things that I need to [00:10:00] prioritize, these are the things that I don't maybe need to do in my business anymore, or these are the things that I can outsource, whatever that might be. And so I think that is a really cool benefit of having that perspective as a mom.
[00:10:13] Another thing is that moms know how to be selfless because we have babies and we are forced to be selfless because we are now taking care of another human being. And so this allows us to actually become better leader leaders. We become more empathetic and I think we value other people and we value other people's time and we value other people's expertise so much more as moms.
[00:10:40] Another thing is that moms have so much tenacity because they realize that every single minute at work is a minute that's away from their kids and family. So you wanna make sure that that time is worthwhile.
[00:10:54] And the last reason that I wanna share with you is that being a mom can help you become a better [00:11:00] planner. Prioritizing your tasks are super essential. And I know for me, It has been a huge game changer since I've become a mom. I have been forced to become so much more organized because I have to, right?
[00:11:13] There's so much else that I need to focus on other than just running my business. I now have this amazing little human that I'm taking care of. So instead of just focusing on taking care of myself and, you know, trying to be a good wife and having my business, I now have another responsibility which comes with its challenges, but is also so incredibly rewarding.
[00:11:37] So now let's transition into kind of what I shared at the beginning of not only believing that being a mom helps you become a better entrepreneur, but also the flip side. I believe that being an entrepreneur can also help you become a more amazing mom too.
[00:11:55] One of the biggest reasons why I love entrepreneurship and I am such an [00:12:00] advocate for women starting their own businesses is because of the flexibility that is possible when you become your own boss. I do believe in working hard of course, but I also believe that it is a hundred percent possible to scale a profitable, successful business without having to work around the clock. And I talk about this all the time and I don't think there's anything wrong with a traditional 40 hour work week.
[00:12:25] However, I love the fact that I, as my own entrepreneur business owner, get to decide what days I work, what hours I work. And I get to have that flexibility to take off an afternoon, to be able to be very present with my daughter and to be able to work only 15 to 20 hours a week, if I want to. And also having the flexibility to travel or to take days off when it works best for our family.
[00:12:54] And I'm not at all saying that the journey is easy and I'm not saying that [00:13:00] there won't be those challenges and you will have to be patient. And again, we talked about this on a previous episode, but growing slow and building that foundation. But, once you build that foundation. And once you create that momentum for yourself, you know, you can maintain your business and even grow and scale your business while still having a very flexible schedule.
[00:13:23] And that's what I love about having a, my own business is that I get to make those decisions. When I work, how often I work, what hours I work. And because I am very inspired and I'm very motivated to do the things that I know that are going to make the biggest impact in my business, I get to prioritize those things. And on weeks where I wanna spend more time with family, or if I wanna take a vacation, I can put some of those things that are not as important and that are not a priority, I can put those things on the back burner, if I so choose to.
[00:13:59] Another [00:14:00] reason why. Think that being an entrepreneur can help you become a better mom is because when you're an entrepreneur, you're always looking to improve your skills and better yourself.
[00:14:10] I know that before I became an entrepreneur, I didn't really know much about personal development. I wasn't really a huge reader. I would read for fun, but it wasn't really to learn. And for me it was like learning was so that I could get good grades and do well in school. It wasn't necessarily what I would do just for fun.
[00:14:31] And because now I'm in this world of entrepreneurship and I'm building my own business, I've developed this passion for always learning and growing and, uh, discovering new things about business about entrepreneurship, but also about other things as well. And so I think this really filters into motherhood because now that I have this learning mentality and I always wanna be learning new things, I also do a lot of research and look for [00:15:00] resources that can help me. Be a better mom, whether that be what to feed my one year old and how do I give her the right nutrition?
[00:15:09] Researching different things and different ways that I can play with her or teach her things or how we can communicate better even though she can't really speak right now. Like all of those things are things like how to parent in a really productive and helpful way. And those are all things that I've started to research. And I'm not saying that I wouldn't have done that if I wasn't an entrepreneur, but I think because I have this passion for personal development for learning, I think it just naturally flows into motherhood.
[00:15:39] Another reason why I think being an entrepreneur can help you be a better mom is because yes, you don't get it on maternity leave, but you can choose when and how to come back into working in your business.
[00:15:56] I know that it is really easy to look at other people who [00:16:00] get maternity leaves and be really jealous of that. And I totally understand that because when I first found out I was pregnant, I started to think the same thing, like, oh my goodness, I don't have a maternity leave. That's not fair. you know, you can start comparing and you can start thinking the grass is greener on the other side.
[00:16:17] However, I love the fact that as a business owner, I was able to choose how, and when I came back to working in my business and that was on my own terms, and for me, I felt comfortable going back very part-time about six weeks after Rosie was born. And I started with going back just five hours a week. And that's what felt comfortable for me.
[00:16:39] And then I slowly moved to that five hours a week up to 10 hours a week. And then, six months after Rosie was born, I started working about 15 hours a week, and now I'm anywhere from like 15 to 20 hours a week at max 25, if it's a really busy week. But that's what feels really good to me. And I love the fact that I [00:17:00] can choose that I can decide when I go back to work and how much I'm working in my business.
[00:17:05] Another reason is that as a business owner, we get to work towards something that we are so passionate about. I know for me, it keeps me so motivated and excited each and every day doing something that really fills my own cup. I truly love what I do for my business. I'm so passionate about it. And it fills my cup, which we all know that we cannot pour from an empty cup.
[00:17:34] And so when our cup is full, that spills over and allows me to show up for Rosie in a better way. I'm a better version of myself when I'm excited and motivated and inspired. And I truly believe that this also helps me be the best mom I can be because I'm doing something that I am so passionate about and that I love.
[00:17:58] And the last reason [00:18:00] is that I am so excited to show my daughter that she can do and be anyone that she wants to be. I'm excited to talk to her about setting big goals and taking scary action and working through and overcoming challenges and dreaming big for her life. And I want her to know that I'm gonna support her no matter what she chooses to do.
[00:18:22] Whether she chooses to go a more traditional route when it comes to work, whether she choose, chooses to be a stay at home mom. Whether she chooses to start her own nonprofit or work for another company that she's passionate about, whatever she wants to do. And I want her to know that I will support her no matter what, and that she does not have to go a traditional route if she doesn't want to. And so I think that being that example for her is really important.
[00:18:50] So that sums up the answer to the question, can you be a good mom and a successful business owner? I think, yes, yes, yes. A hundred percent. You can. [00:19:00] And I hope you enjoyed this episode. I hope it was really encouraging to you. If you are already a mom or maybe you're pregnant, or, you know, maybe you're thinking of starting a family one day, but you're nervous about what that is going to mean for your business and how it's going to impact it.
[00:19:16] For me, it's just been such an incredible journey. It has definitely had its challenges and I don't want anyone to ever think that things are perfect over here. They are the furthest thing from perfect. And I'm just figuring it out along the way just as you are. So if you have any follow up questions from this episode, I would absolutely love to hear from you.
[00:19:39] I would love to answer your questions, whatever you have. So go to businessbabescollective.com/ask, record a question for me, and I'm happy to answer it in a future episode. So thank you so much for listening. I appreciate you so much. And if you enjoyed this episode and you think it would be valuable to someone else in your life, I would so [00:20:00] appreciate you hitting that share button, sending it to a friend that you think would gain value from listening.
[00:20:05] And also just a quick reminder that we have a free gift for you. When you go to businessbabescollective.com/masterclass, you'll get access to our free training on how to scale a profitable business without working around the clock. This is where I break down more of my journey over the past 10 years of entrepreneurship, I talk about the biggest mistakes that I have personally made. And also share the profitable entrepreneur method that helped me scale this business and helped hundreds of others do the same. So until next week, have an amazing rest of your day. And we'll see you very soon.
[00:20:44] If you love this episode, make sure you screenshot, post and tag us on Instagram @businessbabesco. Want to know when the next episode goes live? Subscribe on your podcast app, and while you're there, give us a review. Until next time, keep dreaming big, [00:21:00] setting goals and taking action.