134 | Mindset Shifts Necessary to Grow Your Business with Makini Smith of Legacy Leavers Media

Hey you - yes you! Your story is important! It’s time to remember that you bring indelible value!


If you are ready for a mindset shift, you are going to LOVE this episode. Makini Smith, Mindset coach and the founder of Legacy Leaver’s Media, share her incredibly inspiring story of how she got into entrepreneurship. Dani and Makini also talk through the mindset necessary to be an entrepreneur, overcoming and working through fears, and the importance of your story and your voice and the impact it can make on others!

Makini is also a 5 time published author and host of the 5-star rated H.E.A.L. Her podcast! Makinihas been seen on Chataline, Heart Radio, CBC, Vice News, a billboard in Times Square and so much more.

Connect with Makini Smith:

A Walk In My Stilettos

Legacy Leavers Media







How and Why Makini Became a Single Parent Entrepreneur

Danielle and Makini discuss Makini's journey to entrepreneurship, where she shares her story of how she became an entrepreneur - a journey that started when when she was going through a divorce. Entrepreneurship allowed Makini to:

  • Provide for her children and

  • Be present in their lives

There is power in being your own boss, being able to make money and build your own schedule. 

However, it’s not always easy.



It is paramount to have a strong mindset and perspective when it comes to starting and running a business. A strong mindset comes from finding a strong “WHY” and building a vision from that why. This “WHY” is a motivator for when the going gets tough.

Mindset is an amazing tool in overcoming challenges and fear both in business and life. It helped Maknini overcome her first 8 months without a paycheck and even anxiety. 

How do you shift your perspective?

Stop asking yourself what others think of you and start asking yourself how you can add value to make people’s life better!

Stop focusing on your fears and doubts. Those motivate every area of your life negatively. 

The only limits in life are the ones we impose on ourselves. Ask yourself if your beliefs and to remember that your stories and contributions matter.

Our Top Business Resources to Support Female Entrepreneurs:

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[00:00:00] Danielle: Today on the podcast we have Makini Smith, who is a mindset coach and the founder of Legacy Leavers Media. Makini is also a five time published author and host of the five Star Rated Heal Her podcast. Makini has been seen in Shadow Lane, Heart Radio, CBc, vice News and a billboard in Times Square and so much more.

[00:00:26] I am so excited for you to tune into this conversation that we have on this podcast. Makini shares her story of how she got in into entrepreneurship. She has an incredibly inspiring story, and in this episode, we go through the mindset necessary to be an entrepreneur. We talk about overcoming and working through fears.

[00:00:47] We talk about what hold us back from accomplishing the big goals that we have for ourselves and the importance of your story and your voice, and the impact it can make on others. If you are ready for a [00:01:00] mindset shift, you are going to absolutely love this episode. I'm also incredibly honored to have Makini as one of our speakers for our business Breakthrough online conference that is happening January 30th and 31st.

[00:01:15] So this is your reminder to get registered. We are bringing together 18 top business experts from around the world to share their strategies, their tips, and their business breakthroughs. It is absolutely free to sign up. All you have to do is go to businessbabescollective.com. Click on the button on our front page and get registered.

[00:01:36] If you are ready to scale your revenue, gain exposure for your business, and transform your mindset to accomplish your goals for 2023, then come join us. We cannot wait to have you there. It is going to be an incredible event, and again, it's free to tune in live. So let's go ahead now and jump into the episode. If you have to go ahead and pause it to [00:02:00] get registered and then go ahead and continue listening. All right. Let's get started.

[00:02:06] Welcome to the Business Babes Collective Podcast. I'm your host, Danielle Wiebe. in this podcast, you'll learn tangible business tips and strategies on how to grow successfully and sustainably. We'll also interview seasoned entrepreneurs so you can listen in on their stories and see behind the scenes of what it took to grow and scale their businesses. Let's dive in as we discuss the wild, exciting, crazy challenging rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship.

[00:02:36] Hi, Makini! I'm so excited to have you on the podcast today. Welcome.

[00:02:41] Makini: Oh, thank you. Danielle. I'm honored to be on your show.

[00:02:43] Danielle: Well, I cannot wait to get to know you more because I've been following you and I know we have mutual connections. So can you tell us a little bit about your journey to getting into entrepreneurship? Like, did you always know that you wanted to be [00:03:00] an entrepreneur, be your own business owner? Tell us about that journey to what you're doing now?

[00:03:05] Makini: Well, I don't think I always planned on being an entrepreneur, although both my parents were. I think that how I got into entrepreneurship was actually like a struggle story. So, uh, I actually was going through a divorce. And I thought, okay, how can I provide the same lifestyle for my children that they have now and still be able to be present as a mom? You know, I enjoyed the dropping them off to school and the picking them up at the end of the day and being home to make dinner and all those things.

[00:03:35] And I didn't wanna sacrifice missing out on important things in their life. And I felt like I was always one of those people that I, I work to live. I don't live to work.

[00:03:43] Danielle: Mm-hmm.

[00:03:44] Makini: so, When I became a single mom, I started looking at selling real estate full-time. So I was doing that for six years, but that allowed me to create my own schedule.

[00:03:54] It allowed me to still be present with the kids, still be able to attend their school stuff, [00:04:00] and. dentist appointments and what have you, and then schedule my clients in between that. And then when I transitioned into personal development, it allowed for the same flexibility. So that's how I kind of got into entrepreneurship.

[00:04:11] I, I needed to, I felt like I, I could go back into living the lifestyle that I had before, but I didn't think my kids would be able to manage that. So in my mind, I needed to increase income because they were used to a certain lifestyle, but at the same time be present.

[00:04:28] Danielle: Mm-hmm.

[00:04:29] Makini: So when I got into personal development, I was actually still selling real estate and I decided to write a book sharing my story because I had gone through some things, you know, with, um, my sister passing away, then my grandmother the following year. Just a lot of, I wouldn't wanna say like traumatic things, but it was well that they were traumatic. Um, but there was a lot of things that were happening at the time. I was a part of a women's support group and I kept sharing bits of my story and they were like, wow, through all of that, how are you still able to be positive? How, like, how? [00:05:00]

[00:05:00] Danielle: Mm-hmm.

[00:05:01] Makini: So instead of constantly sharing my story one-to-one, I thought a book, I can share it one to many. And that was my transition into entrepreneurship because, while I was still selling real estate and working on my book, I was invited to an event to hear Bob Proctor speak, and that's when I was looking at entrepreneurship.

[00:05:19] I was looking into personal development for myself to get through my healing and I had a complete stranger reach out on the internet offering me to come hear Bob Proctor speak. And I thought, well, I was just looking at his courses and it's like $12,000 for a three, like a three day workshop over the weekend, but you're inviting me to meet him for free. This can't be real.

[00:05:39] Danielle: Hmm.

[00:05:40] Makini: And I ended up going small room of maybe 30 people and sat at a, a table, uh, by myself, the introvert and me didn't wanna get into the mix, and Bob's wife ended up coming to sit with me. I stayed connected with them.

[00:05:56] Danielle: Wow.

[00:05:56] Makini: Long story short, went through his training. I was mentored [00:06:00] by Bob's wife, linda, his daughter, Colleen, and really felt like the information that I was learning from them and the transitions that I was having in my life would be a huge benefit to like everyone. And I was like, why don't more people know this information? So I decided to become a coach. And long story short, here I am.

[00:06:19] Danielle: Here you are today. Oh my gosh. Thank you so much for sharing that. That is so cool. And. I love that you just had that inspiration of like, I need to do this for my kids. And from what it sounds like, it was just this decision that you made. Like it was like, okay, I have to do this and I'm gonna make it work no matter what.

[00:06:40] And I think a lot of people, they get into entrepreneurship and they're like, oh, this is too hard. It's hard.

[00:06:45] Makini: Mm-hmm.

[00:06:45] Danielle: to put myself out there, it's hard to pitch clients. It's hard to manage my own schedule, all those things. But it sounded like you had a very motivated mindset when it came to [00:07:00] figuring it out.

[00:07:01] Of course, there was probably times where you thought, this is really hard, but you didn't give up

[00:07:07] Makini: every day.

[00:07:08] Danielle: You kept going.

[00:07:09] Makini: Every single day.

[00:07:10] Danielle: Exactly.

[00:07:10] Makini: Every single day.

[00:07:11] Danielle: And so, and I'm sure of course, that has been developed through the personal development journey that you've gone on, but then also being a coach yourself as well.

[00:07:20] So I would love for you to dive in more into that. Like what does it take to have your mindset in a place where you are able to overcome, you know, challenges that are thrown your way, or fears that come up for you, or times where you feel like I, well I don't have enough time, or I don't know enough people, or, you know, all of the kind of

[00:07:44] Makini: mm-hmm.

[00:07:45] Danielle: excuses that sort of hold us back.

[00:07:47] Makini: Mm-hmm.

[00:07:48] Danielle: what is your thoughts and what is your advice for, for women?

[00:07:51] Makini: Mindset is everything. You know how we look at things, our perspective, our habits, all those things affect our results. Our results in [00:08:00] our business, in our personal relationships, everything. And I knew before becoming a coach that my why, why I am doing things and my vision of the life that I wanted for my children was so strong that it was my motivator to start.

[00:08:18] But then, as I started and the kids, you know, grew and are now older, it was really thinking about not just serving the people in my household, but how could I serve the community? How could I serve the world at large? How could I contribute?

[00:08:35] And I feel like oftentimes when things get hard, like mind you, I was working real estate full-time for eight months before I made my first paycheck. Like every day, dropping the kids off school, going into the office, working , and didn't make any money for the first eight months. At the same time, I had just become a single mom of three. So the struggle was real.

[00:08:57] Danielle: Yeah.

[00:08:57] Makini: Everyone around me was like, you need to get [00:09:00] a job. You need to have a biweekly paycheck. You need security, you need all these things. And as much as I knew that they were telling me that because they wanted what was best for me and they thought that that was best for me, that was not the vision that I had for myself or my children.

[00:09:15] Danielle: Mm-hmm.

[00:09:15] Makini: and I knew that if I had a biweekly, you know, paycheck coming in from a job, I had someone to answer to. The amount of times that my kids would call from school to either be picked up because they're sick or they forgot a lunch. They, I was like, I'd be fired. I would not last in a job.

[00:09:29] Danielle: Mm-hmm.

[00:09:30] Makini: So I think oftentimes, not only is it looking at our why and why, you know, why we are doing things and our vision of, you know, the plan that we have for the future and our goals and our dreams.

[00:09:41] But oftentimes we wanna do something, but we're just interested in it. So we'll make all the excuses in the book as to why it can't be done. But when you're committed to doing something, you will do whatever it takes. And I think no matter how hard things got, no matter how many hurdles and hoops I had to trip [00:10:00] down through, no matter how many times I was knocked down, it required a level of resilience that I didn't think I had.

[00:10:06] And for so long I used to like brush it off when people tell me, oh, you're so resilient. Oh, I admire the way you were able to bounce back from this, or work through this, or push through this and through the training and personal development. understanding that we all have, you know, we call it the terror barrier, but we all have this wall anytime we come up against a major change. And majority of people will hit that wall and turn back and go to what's familiar, what they're used to, because it got hard.

[00:10:34] But once you understand that if you push through that wall, you know you can't get over the fear. It's working through it. When you push through that fear, and you get to the other side, that's where all the rewards are.

[00:10:46] Danielle: Mm-hmm.

[00:10:46] Makini: And it's not just monetary. It's, you know, living a life that's fulfilling. It's, you know, having relationships that are deeper than you thought. It's, you know, it's experiencing things that you never thought possible, you know, connecting with people you never thought possible. [00:11:00] So having that understanding now that everything that I've ever wanted was on the other side of what I feared and when I pushed through it, like that understanding of, okay, it's gonna be hard for a second, but the consistency of doing the thing, you eventually become comfortable with it because you're now on autopilot.

[00:11:17] You've reprogrammed your mind, you've shifted your paradigm. So it's almost like I seek out ways to challenge myself now.

[00:11:25] Danielle: Yes.

[00:11:25] Makini: Um, looking for sometimes those areas that make me uncomfortable and I suffer with anxiety. Like I was diagnosed with anxiety in 2006 after I had my son. They told me it would never go away, and I refused to accept that diagnosis and I was like, Nope. Not doing it. Not taking medication, but learning through personal development, the coping mechanisms to help me work through all those things.

[00:11:48] Danielle: Mm-hmm.

[00:11:48] Makini: So something as simple as, well, I would call it simple, but a huge part of what I do involves public speaking. I have been terrified my entire life to do public speaking since grade [00:12:00] six, like standing in front of the school, trying to recite my classroom speech and freezing, and the whole school looking at me, I've always been terrified of public speaking. But having to work through that to be able to stand in front of thousands, to be able to, you know, speak on my podcast in front of thousands, all of those things required me to come out of my comfort zone.

[00:12:18] So the anxiety is still there. But at the end of the day, that feeling of an anxiety and excitement, it's the same feeling. Our body process is at the same. So it's just about a perspective, our mindset of how we look at it. So it's looking at it like, I'm excited to share with these people. I'm excited to provide them with solutions.

[00:12:34] It's about shifting my perspective on it, and every day, when I challenge myself to do something that's scary, it's also looking at how is this gonna help someone else? How is this gonna help my evolution? How is this gonna contribute to the world, to my legacy, to everything? So it's shifting the focus from being on myself and my fears and my doubts and my worries to how can I add value? How can I make people's lives better? How can I [00:13:00] improve the quality of my own life, my children's life? So it's all about mindset.

[00:13:04] Danielle: Yeah. Oh, I love that so much. And I think it's so true, like when we focus on instead of, oh, I'm so nervous to do this, or I'm so scared. Or, what if they think this about me? Or what if they think that?

[00:13:15] Like when we shift our mindset to just helping people. Like really, yeah, like you said, how is this gonna impact, even if it's one other person like this, this conversation or, or this event that I'm speaking at or this scary thing that I'm about to do. Like if it can affect one person in a positive way, if we shift our focus to that instead of how are people going to see me or view me? Or what if they think this? What if they think that, you know? I feel like that is one of the biggest things. And I don't know if you, things that you help work through with clients, but I think

[00:13:52] Makini: Yes, absolutely.

[00:13:53] Danielle: Especially for me, like when I think about like what holds me back, the root of a lot of it is, [00:14:00] How am I perceived by others? And it's hard to admit that.

[00:14:03] Makini: Mm-hmm.

[00:14:03] Danielle: because we don't wanna think that we're so focused on our, how others are perceiving us. But when we really come down to, yeah, like when it comes to pitching other people for things or when it comes to speaking in front of a crowd or when it comes to, like you said, either being interviewed or being on your own podcast, right? Like, those are all things that, often, a lot of people get nervous about.

[00:14:27] Makini: Mm-hmm.

[00:14:28] Danielle: And I think it comes down to like, what are, how are other people gonna perceive me? So what is your advice for people who have that in fear, ingrained in them, maybe from a very young age?

[00:14:42] Makini: So, interesting enough, I had, I learned like one of the, I guess one of the strongest lessons that I learned from my mentor Bob Proctor is that very thing. Um, because I was very, like a lot of my, an anxiety came from how I'm gonna be perceived. What are people going to say, you [00:15:00] know, what are they going to think? And he said, he like said to me and he said to many others, why do we care what other people think? If you look at people do, and if you listen to what they say, they will tell you and show you that they are not thinking

[00:15:18] So we're constantly, you know, focused on, oh my God, you know, what are they gonna think of me? How are they viewing me? What are they gonna say about how I look or what I said? but then you look at other people's actions and it's a reflection of what's going on in their own mind. It is showing us like we are too.

[00:15:33] It, it's almost like part of our, it has to do a little bit with like the immaturity of our emotional intelligence, like our, cuz we all have different developments, uh, when it comes to. The word is not coming to me right now, but basically our focus, you know, as as children

[00:15:50] Danielle: mm-hmm.

[00:15:50] Makini: everything that is done around us, we think it's because of us or something we've done or something we've said. But as we mature emotionally, then [00:16:00] we start to understand. That someone else's actions are a reflection of what's going on in their mind and may not necessarily even have anything to do with us. So I think some of us are still kind of stuck in that phase where it's like, well, what are, what are they gonna say about me?

[00:16:13] Like, is that look on their face because of how I look or what I said? and learning just that simple thing from Bob, like people are telling you and showing you that they're not thinking. So why do you think that you are so darn important that they're spending their entire time thinking about you? So that helped me to shift things a little bit.

[00:16:30] And then his daughter, Colleen, helped with my, my fear, public speaking, where she's like, you just have to shift the energy because we, when we get focused on what they're thinking or what they're saying, we are, basically, taking their energy and projecting it towards us.

[00:16:48] Danielle: Mm-hmm.

[00:16:48] Makini: But if you have something. to add to this world, you have something to say if you, whether it's to share your story or your perspective or your expertise, you're adding value. You have a solution. So instead of [00:17:00] looking at the energy from them coming towards you, focus on the energy that you have to give to them.

[00:17:07] Danielle: Wow.

[00:17:07] Makini: And that shift in energy

[00:17:08] Danielle: powerful.

[00:17:08] Makini: Shifts my thoughts whenever I start to overthink about what someone else is saying or thinking about what I'm doing.

[00:17:15] Danielle: Yeah. Well, and it's so interesting too because what you were saying before about how everyone, everyone's thinking about themselves, really, at the end of the day, like they're not thinking about you really at all, and, and even if they are, why do we have this hold up in, I'm not going to pursue? Or I'm not gonna, A lot of times we hold ourselves back from some of our biggest like goals and dreams and things that we wanna accomplish in this world because we're afraid of what other people are gonna say what other people are gonna think.

[00:17:48] And when we actually really think about that, it is so sad that we're holding ourselves back and we're holding back.

[00:17:56] Makini: Blocking our own blessings.

[00:17:58] Danielle: Yeah, blocking our own blessings. [00:18:00] And also like what you were saying about how it's gonna affect other people and how it's going to improve other people's lives. you know, for example, like if you just decided, okay, well I'm scared of public speaking, so I guess I can't do that. I guess I'm not gonna do that because it makes me nervous. Or you just kind of label yourself as someone like, well I don't do that. I don't do public speaking.

[00:18:22] It's like, think about like how many people, like thousands and thousands and thousands of women who would not be where they are today and not have the impact of your voice and their lives if you were to hold yourself back.

[00:18:35] And there's, I think there's ripple effects from all the things that we do within our lives and within our businesses. And

[00:18:43] Makini: yeah.

[00:18:44] Danielle: Business is serving other people. No matter what industry you're in, no matter what you're doing, it's like service is, you know, it's bringing value to the world, to other, other people, other businesses or, or providing a product that it's improving someone's life.

[00:18:58] So at the end of the day, [00:19:00] we're adding value, and if we hold ourselves back, then we're not providing that value to the world. And that's really sad.

[00:19:07] Makini: Yeah, absolutely. I think one of my quotes from Bobby says, the only limits in life are those we impose on ourselves. You know, we often have these self-limiting beliefs about what we can do, what we can't do, and that's holding us back from being our greatest selves.

[00:19:21] Danielle: Mm-hmm.

[00:19:21] Makini: and there's no one that can change that but us. You know, it's, it's fixing the inner self image that we have of ourselves, of what we're capable of and what we can do. And so many of us have this belief that our stories don't matter or that we don't matter when at the end of the day, the world would not be the place it is without us in it, without our contribution in it. Like, if you think about, I think it's called the Butterfly Effect.

[00:19:47] Danielle: Yeah.

[00:19:47] Makini: You know, butterfly flapping its wings on the other side of the world basically can affect, you know, the, the climate on the other side of the world. It's the same thing of every single thing that we do.

[00:19:57] Everything we do is a contribution to this world. [00:20:00] your story matters. You matter. I get emotional thinking about it sometimes because I, I get the dms of women sometimes that they're like, well, you know, my story's not good enough to share. Or even the women that I reach out to to have on the podcast are like, me? You wanna interview me? Like, I don't have anything. I'm like, what are you saying right now?

[00:20:18] Danielle: Yeah.

[00:20:18] Makini: Like all of our stories matter. All of our perspectives matter.

[00:20:23] Danielle: Yeah. And it, it is so powerful because I think, even personally, I, for the longest time, cuz my business was so focused on bringing people together, which I absolutely loved and ha, and elevating other business owners and, and having them on panels and different things like that.

[00:20:41] And I never felt like I had something to contribute to the conversation. And it was so interesting cause I feel like throughout my journey it was like, I would get these sort of hints of people saying like, well, I wanna know what is your story like, what is your background? What is like, how did you get it?

[00:20:57] And it was like, I never thought that [00:21:00] people would care to know that. And I never thought that that my journey or story would encourage someone else. And I think it's realizing, like you said, that, doesn't matter what your background looks like. You could come from the most privileged background, or you could come from really, really difficult childhood.

[00:21:19] And both of those stories have value in different ways and is going to encourage someone. And so I think it's important to share that because you know, we think that and because there's someone like us probably out there as well who also thinks that their story doesn't matter. Who also thinks that they don't have anything to share.

[00:21:40] Makini: Mm-hmm.

[00:21:40] Danielle: they're exactly the same as us and maybe has a very similar journey and us coming out of our shall and sharing it gives the opportunity for them to also be like, oh, I guess I can share too.

[00:21:53] Makini: It, it, it empowers them. Like, I think the mind blowing thing for me after I wrote, wrote my first book sharing my story was [00:22:00] all of the women that reached out to me and said, I felt like you were writing my story. I felt like you sat on a fly, like you were a fly on the wall in my house. Like you were reading my mind. How, how? And I was like, this is my story, which is our story because we can relate. Right?

[00:22:16] Danielle: Yeah. Yeah. That is so powerful. Oh, that is so good. I wanna ask you, cuz you are an entrepreneur, you're an author, you're a mom, you've experienced a lot in your journey. What would you say that you're most proud of, of your entrepreneurial journey so far?

[00:22:38] Makini: Oh, of my entrepreneurial journey so far, I am most proud of the fact that I have lasted this long. No.

[00:22:44] Danielle: Yes, I love that.

[00:22:46] Makini: I mean, it's 2023 and I've been an entrepreneur since 2009.

[00:22:51] Danielle: Amazing.

[00:22:51] Makini: Full time. So that to me is a huge shocker because that for me, shows my growth. Because all of [00:23:00] the fears that I've had about do, like I've had to work through so many fears from public speaking, from being seen, from creating content, from doing video, from getting comfortable with my own voice, from, you know, not focusing on how people view me, but being able to add value to their lives. I had to work through so much.

[00:23:19] So being able to last this long, to me, shows my evolution as a person. And I'm proud that through my evolution as a person, I've been able to contribute so much to, not even just my household, my community, but the world. Like, just hearing, I guess, you know, I get, I get emotional with any kind of feedback that I get from, um, and I don't really like to call them my followers. I call them, you know, my community because

[00:23:47] Danielle: yeah.

[00:23:48] Makini: It could be a woman in Australia. It could be, you know, a, a woman in the UK like across the world that messages me to thank me for something. Whether it be the podcast [00:24:00] or a post that I posted on social or reading my book. Like, knowing that it's actually making a difference in someone's life and encouraging them to live their dreams and to shift their mindset, to live their best lives. Like my mind is blown like.

[00:24:18] Danielle: Yeah.

[00:24:19] Makini: That, that to me is. An amazing accomplishment.

[00:24:23] Danielle: Hmm. Thank you for sharing that. That's so encouraging. I love that. Okay. People are gonna wanna know how they can connect with you, how they can find you, where they can listen to your podcast, where they can buy your book. Can you tell us all of the things.

[00:24:38] Makini: Yes, absolutely. So it's probably easiest if you Google Makini Smith or Walk In my Stilettos, but one website is walkinmystilettos.com. Our other website is legacyleavers.ca. I'm on socials on all the platforms, and I probably hang out most on Instagram. My personal handle is @therealmakinismith.

[00:24:59] The [00:25:00] podcast, you can listen on all podcast, uh, platforms. It's called Heal Her Podcast. And we focus on, uh, you know, our, our healing journeys. And the books are available on most major online bookstore platforms from Walmart, Target, Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, you name it. There are five books to choose from. So they're all tools that'll help you walk in your greatness and I think I covered them all.

[00:25:25] Danielle: Yeah. And we'll have all those links in the show notes. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Thank you for being vulnerable about your challenges. I so appreciate that. And I know that so many listeners are gonna be encouraged by it, so thank you. Um, and I also

[00:25:41] Makini: thank for having me.

[00:25:41] Danielle: Thank you. And I also want to share that we are going to have you as a speaker, uh, for our business breakthrough conference. That's happening January 30th and 31st. So if you're listening to this and you're like, oh my gosh, I need more, I need more, I need to know more, then um, come join [00:26:00] us.

[00:26:00] We'd love to have you there as well. And it's just gonna be an incredible day and we have some amazing, amazing speakers on board and it's just gonna be such a fun, collaborative event where all of our speakers are gonna be sharing their breakthroughs, um, how they've been able to experience a breakthrough in their own business.

[00:26:17] And it's gonna be encouraging. So, and you'll be able to come live and actually communicate and ask questions in the chat and all the things. So it's gonna be great. So thank you so much again, and thank you for your time and everything that you shared today.

[00:26:29] Thank you, Danielle, for the work that you do and being, uh, I guess a connector, bringing everyone together on all these platforms to provide value to the community and the world at large.

[00:26:43] If you love this episode, make sure you screenshot, post and tag us on Instagram @businessbabesco. Want to know when the next episode goes live? Subscribe on your podcast app and while you're there, leave us a review. Until next time, keep dreaming big, setting goals [00:27:00] and taking action.

Danielle Wiebe