165 | Unscripted: A Chat about Life, Motherhood, Business and Future Plans

165 | Unscripted: A Chat about Life, Motherhood, Business and Future Plans

Join Dani for a little chatty time about what’s been going on BTS at Business Babes!


Today is going to be a very different episode than you are used to! Danielle gives you just a little bit of a casual unscripted update on just some things that are happening within the business, within her personal life, and some behind the scenes. We hope you enjoy spending a little chatty time with the founder of Business Babes :) 

Expecting the Unexpected

Danielle has been practicing patience, as baby boy didn’t arrive on time, and her plans totally went out the window, and she’s has waaay more time and space than when Rosie arrived! She reflects that times like there are opportunities to connect deeper with her family, but also with her vision for the future of Business Babes. 

Alignment & Strategy

Since Danielle & Brent started a family in the midst of the pandemic, it really brought a lot of clarity for Danielle for her business! She knows who her ideal client is:

An entrepreneur who not only wants to grow and scale a profitable business and create a life that they love, but they also want to make an impact for their clients, for their customers, and also build a community around their businesses and around their brands. 

That clarity has helped her strategize and implement tools to grow Business Babes as she grows her family! Here’s a few of the avenues that Dani & Business Babes continues to grow:

  1. Intimate 1-on-1 Sessions & VIP Days

  2. Adding Value to Business Babes Mastermind

  3. Launching Breakthrough Growth Accelerator 

  4. Planning Another Full-Day Conference!

Exciting Things!

Danielle is genuinely just SO excited about the way her family and her business is growing and can’t help but continue to share and dream about the things that light her up! 

In the business, she’s really leaning into the question “how can I bring more value to this community, to you, really, listening to this podcast? How can I serve you with the very best content, the best support, the best accountability, the best community to really help you thrive in your business?”

So everything that we do in the business, like our mission, is always for connection, for collaboration, and for support so that we can help women entrepreneurs thrive in their life and in their business. 

Danielle has found that just focusing on that, on how she can truly add value to this community, that's when the opportunities have come her way.


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[00:00:00] Danielle Wiebe: today is going to be a very different episode than you are used to. I'm going to be giving you just a little bit of a casual unscripted update on just some things that are happening within the business, within my personal life, and just give you behind the scenes.

[00:00:18] Danielle Wiebe: I'm just in a interesting season right now, and an exciting season, and a season of change, so many different things. I know for me, I always find Learning more about people's lives outside of just their businesses is super helpful because I can understand and relate to some areas and I just find it fascinating, so I thought I would come on here and just share with you some of the things that I've been thinking about lately, some of the things that I've been learning lately.

[00:00:49] Danielle Wiebe: To be honest with you, usually when I do an episode, I have my bullet points that I want to make sure that I cover. I do a lot of research before each episode so I can make [00:01:00] sure that I'm giving you a ton of valuable information within the episodes because I truly think your time is so valuable.

[00:01:09] Danielle Wiebe: But for this episode, it's going to be a little bit different. It's going to be a little bit more chatty. It's going to, it's not scripted at all. And I've only written a couple of notes on things that I want to talk about and chat with you about. So if you're. If you're open to this, if you're open to a little bit more of a chatty episode, then let's go ahead and dive in.

[00:01:30] Danielle Wiebe: So at the time of recording this, I'm still pregnant. We are waiting on baby number two. We currently have an almost two year old baby girl, honestly hardly a baby anymore. She is a full on toddler mode at this point. And we are super excited though, to welcome our second baby into the world very soon.

[00:01:54] Danielle Wiebe: But man, this past couple of days has been so interesting. So [00:02:00] with our daughter, Rosie she was right on time. She was on her due date. So I actually went into labor two days before she was officially born.

[00:02:08] Danielle Wiebe: Okay, so I have a guest with me Rosie decided to wake up early from her nap, so she's joining me for this episode now. So we'll see how this goes, and we might have to pause and maybe record some of this later, but yeah, so Rosie was right on time when we had her, and so to be honest, I was really just expecting it to be the same with baby boy.

[00:02:35] Danielle Wiebe: I was actually expecting him to come early, and I was pretty confident in the fact that, I thought that baby would come early, I was feeling pretty good about him coming early, and so I wasn't really expecting to have this time.

[00:02:49] Danielle Wiebe: And so right now I am sitting here with Rosie on my lap, drinking my raspberry leaf tea, and I've been getting all of the tips from many of you [00:03:00] actually on Instagram to get labor started. So thank you for all of you who have shared your tips with me and DMed me your ideas. I really appreciate it.

[00:03:10] Danielle Wiebe: But honestly, yeah, I'm just trying to be patient and it's been actually so special to have some extra time with Rosie and to have this quality time with her to be able to just see her personality come through. She's such a sweet looking at her right now. She's such a sweetie. She's so silly and she's so fun and it's just really cool to spend.

[00:03:34] Danielle Wiebe: Some time with her and, really get to see her personality shine through. She started to count, and she started to say her ABCs, so that's been really fun. But yeah, as far as work goes, I have actually nothing on my schedule this week as far as calls other than my mastermind, which I have, actually the interview that we did, I think it was last week with Lisa, Lisa has been [00:04:00] taking on our mastermind calls while I'm away.

[00:04:02] Danielle Wiebe: And so we have a mastermind call this Friday. And of course, depending on whether or not I am in labor or not will depend on whether I am on the call or not. But I have nothing planned and so this has been a really interesting time where I've been able to get ahead as far as planning some content and really thinking about what I want this next year to look like and doing some dreaming and doing some kind of brainstorming.

[00:04:31] Danielle Wiebe: And I think one thing that I'm just so incredibly grateful for is that I am really in such a different position than where I was at when I was pregnant with Rosie. I think when I was pregnant with Rosie, I actually had launched Action Takers Club right before that, and even though, the business was still going really well, and we had some passive income streams and different things going on, which was such a blessing, but one thing I think I went into it just with a lot of [00:05:00] anxiety and I went into this season of, okay, now I'm gonna be a mom and an entrepreneur and I was just so nervous of what that was gonna look like and I didn't know how I was going to balance both things if I was going to be able to do both things at the same time.

[00:05:17] Danielle Wiebe: And so going into this next birth, I think I just feel so much more, Aligned and so much more excited about the possibility of continuing to grow and scale my business While also growing our family. So that's something that has been so great and then I just some things that I've implemented in the past Six months into our business.

[00:05:40] Danielle Wiebe: I wanted to share because I think that okay, Rosie's gonna go play with her toys. We'll see how long that lasts for. So I'm just feeling really aligned with the business right now. I've gotten so much clarity on who my ideal client is. And so my ideal client is [00:06:00] a entrepreneur who not only wants to grow and scale a profitable business and create a life that they love, but they also want to make an impact.

[00:06:12] Danielle Wiebe: They truly want to create an impact for their clients, for their customers, and also build a community around their businesses and around their brands. And this is one of my favorite things to strategize on. And so a few things that I've implemented into the business in the past six months that Has really made such a huge impact on not only the business itself, but also just my excitement for it has been a few things.

[00:06:40] Danielle Wiebe: So number one would be I've started working with my one on one clients in more of an intimate capacity. I've started to do VIP days, which are mostly done in person, but can also be done virtually. And this has just been such a cool way to really dive deep into [00:07:00] people's businesses and be able to plan together, be able to strategize.

[00:07:03] Danielle Wiebe: We start with a light breakfast and coffee and dream about what do they want their life and their business to look like a year from now. And then we really dive into the strategy piece and it's been so cool just to see the transformation that my clients have been able to have through doing these VIP days and how much support they get in such a short timeframe.

[00:07:26] Danielle Wiebe: So that has been so incredibly rewarding. And a lot of fun, too, because we get to have lunch together, just talk about their dreams. And that's one of my favorite things to do.

[00:07:37] Danielle Wiebe: And so another thing that we've been working on that has been super exciting is just to continue to add value to our mastermind.

[00:07:45] Danielle Wiebe: So if you've been a listener to the podcast for a while, you've heard me talk about the mastermind and how we've been able to curate such an incredible group of just powerhouse Entrepreneurs who are going for [00:08:00] really, big goals and they're not only successful themselves, but they also are super excited and motivated to support one another, which is just so incredibly beautiful.

[00:08:14] Danielle Wiebe: We are just continuing to curate that community and creating a structure that gives the members just a more elevated experience and then also deeper connections with each other and more access to the resources that they need, bringing in more guest experts in different areas of business and we have topics that they want to learn about to up level their businesses and their lives and to scale.

[00:08:44] Danielle Wiebe: And so that has been really exciting. And then also, of course. It's bringing in those in person experiences, which has been so exciting now that we can do events and in person experiences again. So bringing more of that into the Mastermind too has been just so fun and so [00:09:00] rewarding.

[00:09:00] Danielle Wiebe: And I'm actually currently planning our VIP Mastermind day for the summer. So that is going to be so fun and so exciting. We did one last year and it was just so incredible. We had a rooftop lunch. We had a dream planning session in the morning and man, it was just, it was awesome. So I'm so excited to be planning something like that as well again for the summer.

[00:09:23] Danielle Wiebe: And then another thing that we recently launched was a brand new program. The Breakthrough Growth Accelerator, you may have heard me talk about it. But this is a program that helps entrepreneurs grow their communities and their email list and connections through strategic collaborative events. This has been so exciting.

[00:09:46] Danielle Wiebe: This program and developing this program has been so exciting for me because truly this is how we have been able to grow our business. Of course, our business is so centered around a community, but I've realized too, that[00:10:00] All of the really successful businesses that I look up to and that I see, no matter what industry they're in, they all have cultivated a community and that's how they've been able to grow their businesses.

[00:10:15] Danielle Wiebe: They have loyal community members and clients and collaborative partners that they work with. And so teaching this structure has just been so incredibly rewarding and I've already seen some of the success that it's produced for our clients who have gone through this program. So that's been so exciting to see.

[00:10:37] Danielle Wiebe: This is crazy because I launched this program like right before, so basically the program ended two weeks before my due date. And so I remember talking to Brent, my husband, and he's like, why are you launching a program right now? What is going on? And I'm like this is something that, honestly, it's actually been on my mind for a very long time, [00:11:00] and there was something that was pulling me, and I think it was just, it was probably a God thing, just something pulling me, being like, now's the time now's the time to launch this, and it didn't necessarily make sense on paper, and I feel like That's usually how things go, and especially when successful things, that we launch into the world, often the timing doesn't make sense, but we just know that we need to do it.

[00:11:24] Danielle Wiebe: And so I decided to launch, and it was really cool because just speaking to some of the incredible women who went through this. program. So we actually had it as a bonus for all of our mastermind members. So all of our mastermind members got access to it for free. And then we also had people that could purchase the program just on its own as well.

[00:11:45] Danielle Wiebe: And it was really cool because a lot of the women that went through the program, they're like, I feel like this was, this program was created just for me. And so that made me feel so excited and also just that was the confirmation that I needed [00:12:00] that it was the right time and that it was the right course to launch.

[00:12:05] Danielle Wiebe: And so I'm really excited about launching that program again. We'll most likely do it either in the summer or early fall, stay tuned for that, but I'm also super excited for some of the in person events that we're going to be hosting in the summer. So like I said, we have our private Mastermind event happening.

[00:12:22] Danielle Wiebe: And then also we have another event, I'll give you a hint. It's going to be a, another full day conference in Vancouver. And oh my gosh. I'm so excited. I'm so excited about it. We already have, a lot of the behind the scenes things starting to come together and our team is working on getting all the details ready while I'm going to be taking some obviously time off with baby.

[00:12:48] Danielle Wiebe: And so that's been really exciting too. I think just overall, I just wanted to share with you what's going on in the business, things that I'm excited about, things that are lighting me up and just share the, my [00:13:00] thoughts and my feelings about the business and where it's going because I have just been feeling really excited about it lately.

[00:13:06] Danielle Wiebe: And I, I think one thing that I'm really leaning into right now is how can I bring more value to this community, to you, really, listening to this podcast. How can I serve you with the very best content, the best support, the best accountability, the best community to really help you thrive in your business?

[00:13:27] Danielle Wiebe: So everything that we do in the business, like our mission, is always for connection, for collaboration, and for support so that we can help women entrepreneurs thrive in their life and in their business. So I found that just focusing on that, on how I can truly add value to this community that's when the opportunities have come my way.

[00:13:52] Danielle Wiebe: And so if you are in a season where maybe you're feeling a little bit lost or you feel like you're going through a really big pivot.[00:14:00] I've totally been there. Our business is continuing to pivot. There's so many things that I still want to accomplish and there's so many things that I, I could look at and say.

[00:14:09] Danielle Wiebe: Oh, the business isn't here yet or I wish that we were at this point or, there's so many goals that I have that we haven't accomplished yet, but I think it's important to also recognize how far we have come and what we are doing and how excited I am for all the things that we have actually happening within the business and how proud I am of just our team and how we've been able to curate this community.

[00:14:34] Danielle Wiebe: Thank you. And yeah, I wanted to share that. And then I also just wanted to share just personally what was going on as far as waiting for baby and how excited I am to be a family of four with, my husband, Brent and Rosemary, little Rosie, and our new baby boy, and just this season that we're going to go into that's going to be crazy and probably extremely busy but I'm also so excited.

[00:14:59] Danielle Wiebe: [00:15:00] I think it's definitely going to be chaotic and there's going to be a lot of things that we're going to have to balance but I'm excited to see where that goes and I'm just also so grateful that this business has given me the ability to be present with my family and be able to have that time and flexibility and that freedom to pursue the things that I'm really passionate about pursuing.

[00:15:23] Danielle Wiebe: And another thing that's really exciting that, I went back and forth. I'm like, do I share this? Do I not share this? But I think it's really. cool that, and something that I'm really proud of is that my husband, Brent, is able to take a full parental leave. And that is because of the stability of the income that my business provides.

[00:15:46] Danielle Wiebe: And I'm really grateful for that. I'm just feeling... A lot of gratitude for the fact that my business is in a place where we can actually be able to fund his paternity leave and [00:16:00] that he gets to spend a lot more time with our family during this season and that we can have that ability.

[00:16:06] Danielle Wiebe: So anyways, I just wanted to share. Those thoughts and those updates with you and just a personal and also a business update. So I hope you enjoyed this episode. Again, it's a little bit different than what you're used to. But let me know. Send me a DM on my personal Instagram.

[00:16:22] Danielle Wiebe: Find me @danilivinglife. Who knows? You might find a little picture of a baby there because this episode's gonna come out in a couple weeks, so hopefully by then I've had my baby. But yeah. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day. I hope this episode was encouraging to you. I just want to encourage you to continue to work towards your goals.

[00:16:42] Danielle Wiebe: Continue to have big goals and big dreams because, there's a lot of things that I've been able to accomplish in my business that I could not have really even foreseen several years ago. So keep going. You got this. And if you need support, then definitely reach out to me and just [00:17:00] tell me what you're working on and how I can support you.

[00:17:02] Danielle Wiebe: So thanks for listening and we'll talk to you in the next episode.

Danielle Wiebe