Episode 28 - How to Make Important Decisions in Your Business



Today on the podcast, Danielle helps you break down how to make decisions in your business by sharing her top 10 tips!

1. Dream- Sit down with a blank piece of paper and pen and start to dream of what you want your business (and life) to look like 5 years from now.

What goals do you have? How many days do you want to work? What kind of schedule do you want?

2. Reverse Engineer your goals

What are the steps that will get me closer to this goal? Break it down into manageable steps and schedule them out.

3. Re-visit your mission & vision

Does it stand alone?

4. Evaluate the Opportunity

Ask Yourself: Will this opportunity, task, project bring me closer to my goals and align with my mission & vision?

5. Understand your Motivation - As yourself, what is my motivation for doing this?

Is this something that is a gift of mine, or have I just seen someone else do this and it looks cool or they seem like they are having success in this area?

6. Dig into the Financials and make projections

Is this viable for me? What tools do I need to start? Will I need to invest in programs, coaching, a team etc. to make this happen?

7. Brainstorm opportunities with a coach or trusted group of entrepreneurs 

It’s so powerful when you brainstorm and talk through decisions with other people, whether a coach, mentor, mastermind, or group of other entrepreneurs. 

8. Take ACTION - Most of the things that we make decisions about are not BIG 

Clarity comes from moving forward. Every moment you live in indecision rather than action, you're putting your dreams on hold. No more second-guessing, talking yourself out of things, or ignoring your gut - this is resistance.

9. Flip a coin

It might sound crazy but if you truly can’t decide on something flip a coin and let the coin decide for you… this will usually either confirm what you truly want or you’ll realize you want the opposite. 

10. If it’s a BIG decision Sleep OR pray on it!

If you are still excited about this idea after a week or two goes by, you know this might be something for you!

Show Notes:

Danielle Wiebe