138 | Is Fear Holding You Back from Pursuing Your Big Dreams? My Business Breakthrough in Launching this Podcast!

Hey babe - ready to take the leap and overcome fear to make those big dreams come true?


Join us in this empowering episode as Danielle shares her personal journey of conquering fear and launching her podcast. Discover how the Business Breakthrough Conference led to transformative insights for attendees, providing inspiration for pursuing big dreams. Gain access to all 18 speaker sessions, packed with valuable advice on mindset, marketing, sales, and more. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from experienced entrepreneurs and tap into the bonuses and resources available. Start your own journey of growth and empowerment today!

Danielle reflects on the Business Breakthrough Conference and how it helped attendees overcome their fears and pursue their passions.


  • She decided to share her own podcast journey during the conference, as many participants expressed their interest in launching their own podcasts.

  • Danielle reveals the obstacles she faced and the doubts she had before finally launching her podcast.

  • Despite being initially terrified, she shares her entire podcasting journey, including the lessons learned along the way.

  • The session also features a Q&A segment where Danielle addresses specific podcast-related questions from the audience.

As Danielle wraps up the episode, she invites you to join the Business Babes Collective podcast and gain valuable insights into growing and sustaining successful businesses. TAKE THE LEAP! With the right mindset and determination, success is within reach.

Join us in the VIP pass to unlock a world of knowledge and exclusive benefits. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to gain access to a wealth of resources and connections that can propel your business forward.

Want Lifetime Access to The Business Breakthrough Conference Speaker Interviews plus $2500 worth of bonuses? 

Purchase your $97 VIP all-access pass HERE

Included in your VIP Pass are Recordings of the following sessions:

  • Using strategic marketing strategies that drive more sales 

  • How to scale your business in 8-10 hours a week 

  • Money Mindset and scaling a profitable Business with a healthy cash flow  

  • Utilizing Instagram reels to actually grow your business (Not just to go viral) 

  • Slow growth equals strong roots: How to get unstuck and START! 

  • How to scale your business through customer loyalty and referrals 

  • Becoming the unapologetically ambitious visionary and CEO 

  • Building your dream team 

  • Creating an incredibly effective lead magnet to build your community and e-mail list 

  • Expand your business (and your life) through an authentic personal brand Ignite your business with a fun and empathetic approach to branding, marketing and copywriting 

  • Strategically launching your digital offers in a way that creates wild demand 

  • Why building a thriving community around your brand is vital to the success of your business (and how to do it well) 

  • How to build the foundations of a thriving online business and create passive income 

  • Sell more in your business through the psychology of words 

  • Growing your business organically and strategically through Instagram 

  • Gaining visibility for your business through speaking 

  • Growing your brand's exposure using media partnerships & how to pitch effectively 

  • Mindset shifts that are vital in order to grow to your next level of success 

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[00:00:00] Danielle: Hello. Welcome back to the podcast. I am so excited to share this episode with you today. If you are new to the podcast or maybe you haven't listened to the last few episodes, we just wrapped up our business breakthrough conference that happened on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Oh my goodness. It was so incredible.

[00:00:25] Danielle: My mind was blown with all of our incredible speakers, and the value that they brought to the table for this conference was honestly just unlike anything I had. Put together before I knew that these speakers that I was curating for this conference were powerful speakers that had so much knowledge and wisdom to share, but honestly, I was just not expecting the type of just breakthroughs that.

[00:00:54] Danielle: Personally I had, but also all of our attendees had throughout the conference. So [00:01:00] if you are feeling fomo and you're like, oh my gosh, either I forgot about it or I didn't get a chance to sign up, or I've been outta town, whatever the case may be, you can actually still get access to all 18. Speaker sessions.

[00:01:17] Danielle: Yes, that's right. You can get access to all 18 speaker sessions. We talk about things from mindset to marketing, to sales exposure, finances, copywriting and chat G P T, and all of these incredible topics. And also something that I so appreciated with each and every speaker is how transparent and how vulnerable they were when sharing about their personal breakthroughs.

[00:01:44] Danielle: Everyone just went so deep into things that, you know, challenges that they've had in scaling their business times where maybe they felt like they wanted to give up, whatever that looked like. And I think it was just so encouraging for all of our attendees. And the cool thing was is that we [00:02:00] also got a lot of time for q and a.

[00:02:02] Danielle: And so for you as a listener, if you are actually listening to the replay, you'll hear specific questions that the audience had for these speakers and then the speakers. Would answer them live. And I just wanted to share a snippet of, actually a session that I did because on day two I realized there's a lot of people in the chat that were being held back by fear.

[00:02:27] Danielle: They wanted to do something, they wanted to pursue something. Whether that had been, you know, launching a podcast, writing a book, starting their YouTube channel, showing up on social media, uh, building a personal brand, whatever it was, there were things that. People on the Business Breakthrough Conference.

[00:02:44] Danielle: Attendees were saying like, I really wanna do this, but there's something holding me back. And so I didn't plan to share this, but I decided I'm gonna share my podcast journey. And really the story of how I launched this podcast. There was [00:03:00] also a lot of people on the call that are interested in, in launching a podcast.

[00:03:03] Danielle: And so I thought I would share my story because I was terrifi. To start this podcast, and so I share the entire journey and the entire story, and then I also take some q and a about specific podcast questions that people had on this session as well. So I thought I would release the session for you so that you can get a little taste of what our conference was all about.

[00:03:25] Danielle: Again, this was just a bonus session, so if you want to get to our 18 other sessions. Plus we have some incredible bonuses that are available with our V I P upgrade. So you actually will get all of the recordings, lifetime access to the recordings of the conference. You also get $2,500 worth of bonuses.

[00:03:45] Danielle: So this is courses from. Some of our speakers, some of the courses are worth $500 alone and they've gifted them to you for free. So we have courses, we have workshops, we have specific downloads or resources [00:04:00] that our speakers have contributed to this conference. We also had a private speaker q and a session, which was, oh my goodness, mind blowing on its own because all of our VIPs came into a room and we did q and a and.

[00:04:15] Danielle: Oh my goodness. So many breakthroughs just from that one call. Plus, this Friday I'm going to be hosting a masterclass in q and a where I'm gonna be hosting it live, so it's this Friday, February. Third at 1:00 PM p s t, and it's gonna be all about how to utilize collaborations and partnerships to grow your impact and your income and your business.

[00:04:37] Danielle: So we're going to have q a Q and A at the end of the masterclass where I'm gonna spotlight you and you can ask me. Any questions that you want, and this is just for our v I P upgrades from the conference, so you can still join us. Click the link in our bio if you would like to get access to the V I P pass.

[00:04:56] Danielle: It's only $97 you guys for the rest of the week, [00:05:00] so hop on that. It is such an incredible deal because the value that you're getting, honestly, Thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars worth of value. So I can't wait to see you in v i p. In the meantime, enjoy this bonus session that I did at the Business Breakthrough Conference.

[00:05:20] Danielle: Welcome to the Business Babes Collective podcast. I'm your host, Danielle. We, in this podcast, you'll learn tangible business tips and strategies on how to grow successfully and sustainably. We'll also interview seasoned entrepreneurs so you can listen in on their stories and see behind the scenes of what it took to grow and scale their businesses.

[00:05:41] Danielle: Let's dive in as we discuss the wild. Crazy challenging rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship speakers. And I'm also gonna share, I know we have a couple of you who have been interested in potentially starting your own podcast. And so the reason I actually was not going to share [00:06:00] about this at all, I didn't have this planned.

[00:06:02] Danielle: I actually put it together last night and this morning I got up super early, but I just wanted to share a little bit of my journey now. It doesn't matter if you're planning on starting a podcast or one day you want to launch a YouTube channel, or maybe you wanna write a book or maybe you are, you're thinking about launching your own business or starting something new, whatever that looks like, I want you to.

[00:06:24] Danielle: Hear my story and just know that whatever you're wanting to launch or whatever you're wanting to do, this can, can resonate with you. So I'm gonna share a little bit of my podcast journey with you and feel free as well to pop in the q and a, any questions that you have for me. And then at the end, I'm gonna take as many questions as we can.

[00:06:46] Danielle: And then we're gonna take a short break, and then we have, uh, we'll take a little coffee break and then. Some of our other speakers. So my podcast journey actually started. So I have always loved podcasts. I [00:07:00] have always been a huge podcast listener. I listen while I get ready in the morning. I listen while I take my walks.

[00:07:07] Danielle: When I first had my daughter Rosie, I would pop in my earbuds and I would take her for long walks and that was a way for me to just stay inspired and feel, feel motivated even when I wasn't feeling great physically and I was exhausted and I wasn't getting any sleep. The podcast has have always been had.

[00:07:23] Danielle: A huge, huge impact on me personally. And I remember back in 2018, that was when the the spark started. And I remember thinking like, I think one day, I think one day I wanna start my own podcast. Now, how many of you have had those moments? Now it doesn't have to be starting a podcast. It could be writing your own book, it could be launching your business, it could be starting to show up on social media, whatever it is.

[00:07:49] Danielle: How many of you have had that moment of. Hey, I, I think I might wanna do that. I, I've seen other people do it. I've, I've gotten the value out of what other people have done here, and I think I might wanna do that one [00:08:00] day. How many of you felt that? Yes. So many of you have felt that. And so for me, that started back in 2018.

[00:08:06] Danielle: Now I let fear hold me back from starting my podcast for two full years. I just wanna put this into perspective, you guys. I started have been an entrepreneur for 11 years, over 11 years now. I started our community eight years ago, back in 2015. So at this time, in 2018, I was three years into my business.

[00:08:28] Danielle: I had hosted very large events. I had, we had opened up different chapters in other cities. So on paper, you know, it would seem like . Why would I be scared to start a podcast? And it was a lot of the things you guys that we've been talking about today, it was imposter syndrome, who, who wants to hear from me?

[00:08:50] Danielle: There's millions of other podcasts that people can choose to listen to. Why would they choose to listen to mine? Why does my story matter? What are people getting? [00:09:00] What value are people gonna get out of my words and what I share? And so I talked myself out of starting my podcast, launching my podcast for two full years.

[00:09:12] Danielle: And I actually had a few almost starts and then pull back who has had like a false launch or a false start in their business. Say yes in the chat if you've ever had a false start where you're like about to launch something. And then you pull it back and then you're about to launch something and then you pull it back again.

[00:09:31] Danielle: Okay. So yes. And so I know now that I'm not alone. Thank you for being honest with me in the chat. And you know, this happened for two years and I remember , it was the fall of 2019. Or, sorry, sorry. Fall of 2020, and I had been talking about this podcast. I had actually pre-recorded episodes of the podcast and I had spent so long, you know, curating this podcast.

[00:09:56] Danielle: I'm like, okay, we're gonna launch. We're gonna launch. I kept making excuses of [00:10:00] why I wasn't gonna put it out there, and I remember it was December of 2020 and I specifically, I remember I was having a conversation with my husband and I'm like, you know what? December, December isn't a great time to launch.

[00:10:13] Danielle: It's, you know, people are in holiday mode. They don't, they don't wanna listen to podcasts. They're not, how many of you have made these excuses before? By the way, how many of you have have said, oh, you know, it's this time of the year, or, uh, people, this is not a good time. I'm gonna wait until next month. Or, you know, I have this, I have this birthday to go to this.

[00:10:34] Danielle: So, you know, I'm not, I'm not able to launch anything cause I have to focus on this, this birthday, um, . So, you know, we all make excuses of why we're not showing up the way that we know that we're called to show up, right? How many of you can relate to that? We all make excuses and so I was making excuse after excuse after excuse, and then my husband says, No, no, you're launching the podcast and you're launching it this month.

[00:10:59] Danielle: I am not [00:11:00] allowing you to postpone the launch until January, cuz I was saying to him, I'm just gonna launch in January. January is a perfect time to launch. January is when everyone wants to their self-improvement, you know, share working on their business, their mindset, all of those things. I'm definitely gonna launch in January.

[00:11:17] Danielle: He's like, No, you're launching this month. And so I, I did, I launched, I actually launched the week of Christmas, so I launched, I think it was on, officially on like the 27th or something like that. And, you know, you could, you could look at that and say, you know, you know, and Danielle, that's not a really a great time to launch, but it actually went so much better than I thought.

[00:11:41] Danielle: And it was really cool just to see. You know, we had built up a community for that time of, of entrepreneurs, and of course during that time it was still middle of the pandemic, so there was a lot of unknowns and a lot of things, like we didn't know what was happening with, with events and things like that.

[00:11:59] Danielle: We, we [00:12:00] didn't know if they were coming back at all, ever. And so it was such an incredible experience to launch into the world and to have people that were a part of our community say thank you. Thank you for launching this. Like, thank you for sharing. And that has been one of the, one of the moments, one of my biggest breakthrough moments.

[00:12:21] Danielle: And that's what I was realizing as I was, as I was putting this together last night and this morning, because I was like, oh, there's a lot of people who are interested in podcasting. I wanna share my journey. I was realizing, this is actually one of my biggest breakthrough moments. It was like, just take that.

[00:12:37] Danielle: Just launch, just put it out there. Even if you're not sure if it, like, even if you have no idea what you're doing, I had no idea what I was doing. You guys, I ended up taking a course to show me how to do all the technical backend, because if you know me at all, I know I'm hosting a virtual conference right now, but if you ask my husband, I am not tech savvy.

[00:12:57] Danielle: Like I really am not [00:13:00] tech savvy at all and. Just wanna share that because I think we all make excuses of why we can't, why we're not qualified, why, you know, we're, we're not tech savvy, we're not, don't know how to use the, the, a microphone, right? Like all of those things. And those are all things that we can learn along our journey.

[00:13:18] Danielle: So don't let those things hold you back. And I just wanted to share some of these things because I. It's really cool. Like we were able to hit the top 1.5% of podcasts globally, and that is something that I never knew really was I, I didn't have it as a goal. I didn't know even what that meant at the time.

[00:13:37] Danielle: I didn't know there's these like places you could go to check where your podcast is ranking and we've ranked in. Multiple countries, a, a around the world. We've ranked in Canada, the us, the uk, Australia. We've even ranked in places in Europe as well as India and um, the Philippines. It's been so cool to see like the global reach that our podcast now has, [00:14:00] but more importantly than just.

[00:14:02] Danielle: The, the numbers is the collaborations and the partnerships and the relationships, and it's allowed me to serve my audience in such a powerful way, and also network with other really inspiring people. So the fact that. We, you know, I launched a podcast and this has given me the opportunity to reach out to entrepreneurs that I admire so much to have them on my podcast.

[00:14:29] Danielle: And that has facilitated so many opportunities. So many collaborations, podcast guesting on other people's podcasts. Um, I've been now featured on. The top business podcasts as well, and that's been such an honor and such a privilege, and I would not have gotten those opportunities if it wasn't for me putting myself out there first, if it wasn't me taking that really, really scary step to launch.

[00:14:56] Danielle: And so I just wanted to first of all, encourage you guys [00:15:00] that if there is so. you, you probably know right now, like there's something where it's like there's butterflies in your stomach. You're like, oh, I really wanna do this. This is something that I've thought about doing. This is something that I've been inspired to potentially put out into the world.

[00:15:15] Danielle: Like I said, whether it be a book, whether it be a podcast, maybe a YouTube channel, maybe it's just showing up on social media. Launching your own business, whatever that is, I want you to specifically think about your situation. Where are you holding yourself back? In what areas of your life or your business?

[00:15:31] Danielle: Are you holding yourself back because of fear, cuz of fear of failure, or because of fear of what other people will think of you? A fear of embarrassing yourself. A fear of not knowing what to say, that is like one, one of my fears always. It's like, what if I don't know what to say? What if I get on there and I just, I don't know what to talk about.

[00:15:54] Danielle: And so these fears keep us small, these fears hold us back. These fears [00:16:00] are the reasons a lot of the time why our business is not moving forward the way that we want it to is because we continue. To put up barriers and we, we hold ourselves back from the success we know that we can have because of that fear.

[00:16:18] Danielle: So I wanted to open up the q and a box. If anyone has questions, it can be a mindset question. It can be a really tactical strategy question if you want. And. I just want you to know that you're not alone. If you're having those fears, if you're, if you're really struggling with that mindset, you're not alone.

[00:16:39] Danielle: And it's something that we all struggle with. And I know that if you've been here on the conference, even if you've only listened to one or two of our other speakers, you know that all of our speakers have dealt with this. All of our speakers have had times where they don't feel good enough, where they don't feel qualified, but they push forward and they do it anyways.

[00:16:59] Danielle: [00:17:00] And. Because we have this greater vision of what is the impact that we can make, right? What is the impact? If one podcast episode that I put out there can encourage someone that can make someone feel that they're not alone, that can help someone with a strategy that's actually gonna help them scale their business, that is my goal.

[00:17:24] Danielle: That is the goal that I have for my podcast. So when I stop thinking so much about my own fears, my own insecurities, and the way. I show up or, or how I'm gonna embarrass myself and I focus on who can I support and who can I help and who can I impact that makes it so much easier. So I'm gonna open up the q and a box.

[00:17:49] Danielle: And I would love to hear your guys' questions. And so, okay, so I have a couple here. See here. Question for Danielle. Please don't judge me, , but I wanna ask you, what is the difference between a podcast and a [00:18:00] vlog? That is a great question. I'm definitely gonna answer that. So a podcast is specifically a.

[00:18:07] Danielle: Audio Now podcast actually can be repurposed to a YouTube and I know a lot of people who do that and they do it incredibly well. So you can have a podcast where you're doing both audio and visual for your podcast. You can repurpose it to to YouTube, you can repurpose it to wherever you want online, whether it be Instagram.

[00:18:30] Danielle: Whatever that is. Currently, I do not do that. The reason being is just the the time, right? And so you need to, you need to think, okay, what season of your life are you in? If you'd like to start a podcast, if you would like to start a blog, if you'd like to start a YouTube, YouTube channel. What season of your life is are you in right now?

[00:18:49] Danielle: What are you currently able to manage? And when it comes to that, if you do want to start a podcast on YouTube at the same time, are you gonna be the [00:19:00] one editing those videos? Are you gonna be the one editing those episodes or are you gonna be outsourcing that to someone else? And that's really. To ask yourself, especially when you're getting started, because it will add something to your plate.

[00:19:13] Danielle: So you really need to figure out, okay, who's gonna who on my team? Maybe if you do have a team, who on my team can take this on? If you don't have a team, am I gonna be doing this myself or I'm gonna, or am I gonna be looking for someone to outsource this too? A vlog is more like, so basically vlog is like blog, right?

[00:19:30] Danielle: Blog, like, like written. Content on your website and of vlog is just that in video content, right? So a lot of people who have YouTube channels have vlogs. The way that I think about vlogs, and I'm not sure if this is like the correct way to describe it, but I think of it more as like documenting someone's journey in a video format.

[00:19:51] Danielle: So hopefully that answers your question. What is the minimum required to start of podcast, podcast equipment? , honestly, [00:20:00] I've heard of people starting a podcast with their phone, literally with their phone. And for me, I personally, cuz you can actually do voice notes and then you can download them and you can have them as podcast episodes or there's also apps that you can use to directly, you know, have a podcast there.

[00:20:18] Danielle: So it really depends. I personally really wanted to have a good mic and so I invested. Mic here and it is a Blue Yeti mic and I think it was about $199 or something like that. I love it. I think it's great. It works great. It has great sound quality. So you can definitely get super, super fancy with your equipment and you can spend thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars on equipment if you would like.

[00:20:48] Danielle: I personally just, I bought a mic, I bought a, I bought some headphones, and then it's. Than the software that you're gonna use. So I use Lipson, which is my hosting [00:21:00] platform, and I think it's about $40 a month. And that's pretty much it. Ag I have, when I do solo episodes, I, I record my podcast episodes with guests on Zoom.

[00:21:09] Danielle: I know there's lots of other software that is probably better than Zoom. I use Zoom just cuz it's comfortable for me. And it's easy for me and I can see the other person and I have a great conversation that way. But I know a lot of people who use things like Riverside as one. Um, there's lots of other platforms that have more robust features as well for podcasts.

[00:21:29] Danielle: So hopefully that helps. If you have any follow up questions, uh, I have a hard time keeping. I have had to keep starting and stopping my podcast with sick kids snow days, and all the client demands. I know consistently we'll change the game, but how? Yes. Such a good question, Brooke. Okay, so first of all, please don't shame yourself or, or anything for.

[00:21:51] Danielle: Taking a break from your podcast. That is totally okay. After I had my daughter, I did take a break from the podcast and yes, absolutely that [00:22:00] affected our downloads. And starting again, felt like starting from scratch. However, life is more important, than your podcast, and so I think one, give yourself grace, but two, if you want to have that consist.

[00:22:15] Danielle: And this is something that I do, is that I batch record episodes of the podcast. So I'll have a couple days a month where I'll batch record a bunch of episodes and then I'll release them over time. So I know kind of think of. Who was saying this yesterday felt batching content. Did it all in, oh, I think it was Alex.

[00:22:33] Danielle: Alex was saying how she batches all of her YouTube content in one day a month. And so yeah, it was Alex. Thank you. And so that's what I try to do with my podcast. Now I will say it's not perfect. I usually. I usually have two episodes go out a week, and I will say right now I am a day behind because of this conference.

[00:22:55] Danielle: Um, but I plan on repurposing little snippets, little kind of like bite sized snippets onto the [00:23:00] podcast. And so I'm gonna be doing that week and, or, sorry, I'm gonna be doing that this week. It's not perfect. I mean, And as, especially as a mom, can you please give yourself grace? Being a mom and being an entrepreneur is a lot, and it's not gonna be perfect.

[00:23:14] Danielle: So give yourself grace there. But definitely batch your content and try to do it on either one day, a month, or twice a month, whatever that looks like for you when you have that time and space that, that you're dedicated to work, and then you can release them over. So that's been helpful for me. Do you invite people that have basically the same reaches you?

[00:23:35] Danielle: Great question. Okay. So yes and no. I, this is something that I'm gonna go into more detail for those of you who are joining us for V I P in the collaborations portion of the event. I love collaborations. I love partnerships. It's one of my favorite things, like I said, to talk. And so I have a ongoing collaboration list, so I have people that are my ideal people.

[00:23:59] Danielle: I'm like, [00:24:00] okay, I would love to one day have this person on the podcast. And what I do is I have them on a list and I have their name, I have their Instagram handle, I have their website, all of those things. And there are some people on. That have less of a reach than me, but I admire them. I think that they have so much value to share, and so I would love to have them on the podcast.

[00:24:22] Danielle: I also have people who have similar audience sizes than I do. I also have people that have. A lot larger audience sizes than I do, and so for me it's not so much the audience size. Yes, that can play into like the exposure, of course, that you get for your business, but my ultimate goal is actually to bring value to my listeners.

[00:24:47] Danielle: Of the podcast, right? So for me, it's all about alignment. It's all about do they have the same values, do they, will my audience get value from what they have to share? And so that's [00:25:00] how I look for guests and that's also how I pitch myself to other podcasts is I look for people who are aligned in that, in that regard.

[00:25:08] Danielle: So hopefully that answers your question. Okay. I'm gonna take one more question and then we're gonna end off, and hopefully we can loop back around to some of these questions. So Grace, I have a question about pursuing your dreams. From my background and culture, I've grown up believing that pursuing what you want is selfish.

[00:25:25] Danielle: We're meant to die to ourselves. Instead, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this as I'm wrestling with guilt over pursuing. Oh, grace, I love this question so much. I love it. Okay, so first of all, I've struggled with this as well on feeling like pursuing. What I wanna do is could be considered selfish, but.

[00:25:43] Danielle: I believe that God has instilled in us specific passions, specific talents that he, that he has given us, that we have reasons why we want to [00:26:00] pursue things, and if we are doing it in a way that is in service to others, then I believe that that is good. And if it is helping other people, if we're serving other people and helping other people.

[00:26:12] Danielle: Then we do not have to feel guilty or selfish about that. Now, I, I will say, Absolutely, it can become a selfish thing. So I, I do think that we do need to strike that balance of, Hey, am I doing just this just for my own gain or am I doing this in service of others that is, Also supporting my vision as well.

[00:26:37] Danielle: So I think doing both at the same time is totally good. It's totally fine. You have passions for reasons. You have dreams in your heart for a reason. It's not being selfish, but I do believe, like I do truly believe that what we do needs to be in service of others. That is what business is If we're not helping other people.

[00:26:57] Danielle: Then yeah, we're being selfish . [00:27:00] And that might be controversial, but if, if, if our business is actually not helping other people, then I think it's the wrong business to be in. And so that's what I believe and hopefully that answers your question. And again, there's so many ways to do good. With business.

[00:27:15] Danielle: Like, that's why I'm so passionate about sharing about how, you know, when we are able to create something and, and create an impact. And not only get that financial security, but also that exposure. We're also able to share about really good things. So like the fact that, you know, I'm able to share about, um, an organization that's super, that I'm super passionate about and hopefully inspire all of you to, you know, check out that organization that is really important to.

[00:27:44] Danielle: No, I think we can do so much good with our businesses. And so it really is like what are, what are we doing it for? Who are we doing it for, and how are we serving others? Grace, I hope that answers your question.[00:28:00]

Danielle Wiebe